Last week I had the opportunity to be a guest speaker at a weekend long writers retreat, and you know what I learned?


We are not alone in our fears and we have the same universal desires to feel seen, connected, signifiant. 


What’s the ONE thing that gets in the way?


Our Itty-Bitty-shitty-Committee!


I’m writing about it in my book. I speak and teach alot about quieting it? WHY?


Because if we listen to it, it will sabotage our dreams, demolish our self worth and just keep us stuck in scarcity and fear.


In this week’s MINDFUL PAUSE PODCAST episode, I lead you through a quick version of last week’s hour long meditation to help you cut the cord to your limiting beliefs, negative narrative and anything else that may be keeping you stuck, so you can truly connect to your True Self - that place of love, creativity, joy and truth.


Sending you lots of love friend!




P.s. join me next Saturday in person for my SELF LOVE WORKSHOP 4-6pm. It’s allll about this ☝🏼SIGN UP HERE

And if you want to dive deeper into really knowing and loving yourself, join me in beautiful BALI this April to receive more clarity, magic and connection to your intuition and gifts. DETAILS FOR BALI HERE