Happy New Year friend!


Join me in a New Year mini-retreat to create a soft place to land so you can tune into your heart and gain clarity of what you want to create, experience and feel in the most loving ways.


CLICK HERE for your workbook to start your 1-hour workshop of reflection + envisioning + receiving your gifts that only you have.


When you quiet your mind, you can hear the whisper of your heart that speaks the truth of what you yearn for and what you need to nourish yourself and your dreams.


It’s not through goal setting, striving or pushing yourself to do more, but by softening into this sacred stillness to listen and know this infinite wisdom within you, remembering that you are enough and you matter.


You are special and have unique gifts that only you have.


I’m so excited for you to embark on this journey of knowing and loving yourself.


Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year. 


Lots of love,



And join me!!! 👇🏼

💫 virtually on JAN 7th for SATYA SOUL SPEAK workshop where we’ll move + envision + receive all that you are. 

 🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation (price increases $250 at end of month)

❤️SACRED SELF LOVE workshop JAN 27th @ 4-6pm (Maple Valley in person) 

 🎁 Need more calm?