The Holidays can be a time of excitment and full of love, but it can also feel really overhelming like we have to hustle and get everything done, end the year with a bang and shop, wrap, cook, enterain.

Fill up your cup and nurture your heart in today’s episode on Self-care...not what you think Self-care should look like or what it used to look like, but caring for your body, mind and spirit in this season, right now.

Get comfy, breathe deeply and tune in to your heart for nourishment.

Sending you lots of love and care this week,




p.s. join me in beautiful BALI or Tuscany yoga retreat in 2024. All details at:

Join me for a virtual event SOUL SPEAK: soulful yoga + meditation + journaling to attune to your heart’s deepest desire and let your Soul speak your sankalpa and Dharma

SIGN UP for Soul speak virtual workshop January 7th, 2023 @4-6PM pst