Five easy Ways to be more intentional this Holiday so you can be more present, peaceful and enjoy this special time.

Resist burnout at the beginning of the year and create a soft place to land at the end of the year, with these 5 easy ways:

 1. Ask what is really essential?

2. What can I say NO to?

3. Who is most important to me and how can I schedule quality time with them first before all of the invitations come in?

4. What do I need to fill my cup? (often it’s free, quiet time, quality time with yourself - what is it and where can you schedule this in daily and weekly?)

5. Commit to moments of pause throughout the day to breathe, appreciate and BE (with those you love, what you love and the beauty of life in front of you).

Thank you for being here, rating + reviewing this podcast and sharing it with those you love!

Lots of love,


🌈 p.s. join me for the utmost healing, beauty and spiritual connection with yourself in 

beautiful BALI yoga retreat (April 2024)

or TUSCANY yoga retreat (September 2024)


All details at:


💫 Join me for a virtual event Jan 7th @4-6PM pst

SOUL SPEAK: yoga + meditation + journaling

attune to your heart’s deepest desire + Dharma

SIGN UP for Soul speak virtual workshop