how are you doing? like...really?

If you're feeling less than sparkly, I hope this love notes helps you remember your True Self and your gifts that only you have.   

I’ve been on a 3-year quest to reconnect with my True Self - that innate expansive place inside each of us that is infinite possibilities, unbounded creativity and a portal to the Divine. 

It can feel unattainable, especially in our busy world telling us we’re not enough, but your true self is simply your true nature—the witness of life's flow and an integral part of that flow.

Personally, I’ve felt disconnected with my authentic voice and gifts, and just in the last 6 months have really started to shed the EGO (or what I call the Itty-bitty-Shitty-Committee) with the help of other teachers and finally blasted of my armor in Bali! 💣 (p.s. we ARE going back to Bali next year!!!)

I have never felt so FREE!

The ego is self-centered, seeks external validation and keeps us stuck in a limited perspective and scarcity.
Our spiritual journey is all about bridging the gap between the ego and the true self. 

The closer we are to our true selves, the less inner work we have to do. 

I hope today's episode of the Mindful Pause Podcast, helps you return home to your True Self and helps you remember ALL that you are!

Some highlights from our reflection:

Consider how much you focus on the "I" self (the expansive, abundant perspective) versus the "me" self (the narrow, self-centered view). How does spending this energy serve you (or not). What brings you a sense of belonging within yourself and to the world around you. Explore what dream is tugging at your heart—what do you truly want to create and embody? And why?

Here's your invitation for thie week: Find stillness at least once a day. Whether it's through meditation or simply pausing to breathe, allow yourself that space to reconnect with your true self. Notice when the ego takes the reins and gently guide yourself back to center—your True Self.

In the silence and space, you’ll meet yourself there. ❤️

Lots of love friend, 

p.s. stay tuned! YOU ASKED FOR IT! I'll be announcing a local day SELF LOVE RETREAT at the end of July. 💫

p.p.s. I'm planning 2025 retreats...where do you want to go? (Italian beach, Portugal, Maldives, Santorini?? - shoot me an email and your preferred month to cast your vote for 2025 retreats) 🌴


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