Hey there,

I was on a call with my coach a week before I left for my Bali retreat and feeling frazzled of what to focus on – my new website? marketing? Bali?

"I want to feel f*ck!ng POTENT!" I blurted out

For the past 2.5 years, I've been drowning in overwhelm and busyness, feeling like a diluted version of myself—lifeless, and frankly, dead inside.

My coach posed a question that hit me like a bolt of lightning:

"What does potency look like for you this week before you leave for your Bali retreat?"

In that moment, as I placed my hand on my heart and sank into stillness, I realized I'd been chasing after the future, instead of focusing on the present moment to feel how I wanted to feel right now.

It wasn't working. 🛑

My heart whispered back, "Pour into the gold that's already there."

It was a gentle reminder that I don't need to chase after clients or external validation or whatever in the future I think will bring what I want now.

My true gold lies in the students journeying with me to Bali. ⭐️

So, I made a commitment to pour into them wholeheartedly—and not to forget to pour into myself too.

I poured myself into them, and for the first time in 3 years, I opened up vulnerably about my struggles, my yearning to show up authentically and wholeheartedly like I did before the pandemic.

And you know what happened? MAGIC ✨

By sharing vulnerably (not perfectly), we connected - Others felt the same.

We cried, we shared, we released and we healed together.

To me, this is potency—feeling alive, connected and most importantly, FREE.

For the first time in a long time, I felt free – to be me. To share authentically, rather than trying to be perfect.

Damn, this is so liberating to remove the pressure we put on ourselves!

So, what makes you feel potent? What does FREEDOM feel like for you?

If you're ready to tap into your inner fire and cultivate a life that's vibrant and alive, tune in to this week's Mindful Pause Podcast.

And stay tuned! In the coming weeks, I'll be sharing more of my personal story about breaking free to feel more meaning, vibrancy and freedom.

….plus a sneak peek at a special offering I'm bursting to share w

xx Audrey