🌟 Cultivate Happiness in 3 easy steps 🌟

Hey there! We all crave happiness, right? Whether it's snagging our dream job, amassing more of everything (money, stuff, experiences), or finding that soulmate, it all boils down to one universal quest - happiness.

In today's Mindful Pause Podcast, we're diving deep into the art of being happy. Often, our joy gets blocked because we're fixated on the wrong thing – our EGO takes the wheel, focusing on the destination rather than relishing the journey.

But what if true happiness isn't about what we want, but about giving from the heart to help us expand our perspective?

Ready to infuse more joy into your life?

Here are three simple ways from this episode to get started:

🌿 Gratitude is the portal to joy and pulls you out of the scarcity mindset and into the beauty of the present moment.

🌺 Notice when self-centered thoughts arise and consciously shift your focus from "me" to "we” to expand your perspective.

🌟 Every act of kindness lights up your souls and shifts you from narrow mindset to abundance. Instead of asking "what can I get," ask, "How can I give today?" and see how you feel?

Happiness isn't a destination; it's a way of being.


Tune in to the Mindful Pause Podcast and share how these insights are bringing more happiness into your life! 💖

Sending you heaps of love and good vibes! 🌈✨

Namaste, Audrey Self-love coach