Hey there, beautiful soul!


Just returned from a quick Florida vacation, and let me tell you, it was like a sip of pure sunshine for my spirit.


There's something rejuvinating about reconnecting with friends who knew you long before diapers and bedtime stories took over to remind you of who you were.


When I got back home, a friend texted me: "I forgot how funny you are!" I excitedly showed it to my hubby, exclaiming, "See? I've still got it!"


These past three years of motherhood? Phew, they've been quite the rollercoaster ride!


Amidst the chaos of diapers and sleepless nights, I found myself stumbling through the darkness, feeling like a shell of myself, trying to remember the vibrant maiden goddess I once was.

Slowly but surely, though, I've been piecing her back together, infusing her vibrancy and wildness into this new chapter of motherhood with nurturing tenderness, wisdom and grace.


I can say, I’m feeling more and more at home in my whole self.


If you're feeling a bit lost in the shuffle, I hope today's podcast is a gentle reminder: there's a goddess or god within you, just waiting to be rediscovered and celebrated.


Also, if you’re local to Washington, join me for a goddess gathering on March 23rd for soulful yoga, journaling, sacred circle and bubbly to celebrate and reclaim your

inner spark and own your brilliance like the goddess/god you are.


Lots of love,

Aurey 🌟