Hey there,


Feeling the lunar vibes this week? I sure was!


The full moon had me in a bit of a funk for about 24 hours! Everything seemed to be a trigger, from kid tantrums to everyday transitions. I was moody and edgy, definitely not the best version of myself.


But, here's the kicker: I stumbled upon a game-changer – a one-minute daily self-love check-in.


It's been my go-to for reining in my mood swings and staying grounded in what truly nourishes my mind, body and soul.


Curious to join the 1-minute self-love check-in? Have a listen to this week's episdoe


Here are a few of my questions for a daily checking…share with me what’s yours?

1.     Am I being good to myself – in my thoughts and behaviors?

2.     Have I moved my body in loving ways today?

3.     Have I drink enough water?

4.     Have I eaten something healthy and nourishing?

5.     How can I be kinder to myself? Right now

6.     how can I be kinder to someone else today?

7.     How can I have a little more fun today and bring more joy to my day

8.     What am I grateful for?



Let's make self-love a daily ritual – one minute at a time!


