The holidays are HERE and we can easily get triggered by relatives who say things that make us feel uncomfortable, activate past conditioning and old beliefs, or people who make us feel guilty for not doing what they want or being who they want you to be.


Let go of any expectations, control and any judgment with this 1 affirmation in today’s episode.


Affirming: “I am helpless over other people’s emotions and actions” frees you from the story of your Itty-Bitty-Shitty-Committee to return to your inner peace.


Listen to today’s meditation to help you let go of a triggering situation to find your freedom.


Please let me know if you like this affirmation and how it’s helping you in letting go of triggered emotions and be free.





p.s. join me in beautiful BALI or Tuscany yoga retreat in 2024. All details at:


Join me for a virtual event SOUL SPEAK: soulful yoga + meditation + journaling to attune to your heart’s deepest desire and let your Soul speak your sankalpa and Dharma

SIGN UP for Soul speak virtual workshop January 7th, 2023 @4-6PM pst