I was on a retreat shadowing my mentor and teacher, Jana Wilson who teaches how to love our inner child.

As adults, we’re typically interacting with each other from our wounded child - that part of us who hasn’t learned to be with and manage our emotions to be the healthy, mature adult. So, when we get triggered, our wounded child acts out. We might act out in anger or rage, when beneath that is a little child who feels helpless over others or feels sorrow and grief. It’s easier to be angry than to feel helpless.

Underneath our wounded emotions of anger, resentment, shame, fear or jealousy are 5 core emotions from our core inner child.

In today’s podcast, we’ll explore these 5 core emotions to help you uncover the real emotion that you’re feeling, so you can lovingly BE with yourself.

Moving forward, you can use this technique to help you listen to your emotions of your inner child and give yourself a big hug and remember it’s going to be okay because you have YOU.

When you become the healthy, loving, mature adult you needed as a child, you heal old patterns and wounds and love your whole self.

Lots of love friend,


p.s. join me in beautiful BALI or Tuscany yoga retreat in 2024. All details at: http://www.audreysuttonmills.com