Hi there soul friend!

Growing up, I was often labeled as "too emotional" or "too sensitive," which led me to believe that my sensitivity was my flaw. But through my spiritual journey, I've had a revelation – my sensitivity is my superpower! It's what led me to discover my true calling as a self-love coach, guiding others on their paths to self-discovery and healing.


Wabi Sabi is a beautiful Japanese concept that celebrates imperfection and impermanence. It's all about finding beauty in life's irregularities, rather than striving for unattainable perfection.

What if instead of striving for perfection, we embraced our "flaws" and mistakes as valuable lessons on our unique journey?


What if they were actually portals to our greatest gifts?


In today’s MINDFUL PAUSE PODCAST episode, 184 I'll be guiding you through a meditation and journaling session to reflect on your perceived inadequacies and see them as your greatest gifts, guiding you toward becoming who you're truly meant to be.


🌿 Reflection Questions:

What are your perceived “imperfections” or flaws and how are they a portal to your Divine gifts? What are your “mistakes” or “challenges” you’ve gone through teaching you about yourself?


I hope today’s intention of Wabi Sabi helps you go easy on yourself and embrace both the dark and light parts of your beautiful wholeness!


With love and light,

Audrey 💫


want to dive deeper? Let's connect and I can help guide you home to your True Self through self-love practices and intuitive coaching
