Hey soul friend,


How often do we let our inner critic spin us into old dramas?  🙋🏻‍♀️


We get triggered by something or someone, and suddenly we're knee-deep in an old drama, replaying the same story over and over again.


During my recent trip to Florida, a friend shared a powerful insight: the inner work is about being with our experiences without being consumed by them.


This is the essence of mindfulness. The more we can hold space for our experiences without letting them take over, the more freedom we find.


In today's meditation on the MINDFUL PAUSE PODCAST EP 185, I guide you through an exercise to be with something that's triggering—whether it's anger, sadness, or even joy—without letting it consume you.


When we can BE with the emotion without becoming emotional, we can be with anger without becoming angry, with sadness without sinking into despair, and with joy without clinging to it.


Here are some takeaways from episode 184:

✨ Emotions typically only last about 90 seconds. It's the stories we tell ourselves that revive the narrative and make them linger.


✨ Step back as the witness. Create space between you and the emotion. You'll find the charge starts to fade.


✨ Choose presence over the drama. Take a moment to quiet the mind and return to this moment.


Remember, when you’re in consciousness, you are in choice.


You have the power to decide whether you'll get swept away by the story or stand firm in the present moment.


So, as you go about your day, whenever you feel yourself getting lost in the drama, remember: you can be with the experience without becoming it.


Take a moment to quiet the mind, create space, and return to this moment. Because right here, right now, is exactly where you're meant to be.


Join me on the Mindful Pause Podcast for an easy meditation to reclaim your peace. 💫


Sending you lots of inner peace and presence today.





p.s. looking for more personalized coaching? let’s connect and I’ll help you heal, know and love yourself using my self-love techniques and intuitive guidance.

[email protected]