Spiritual awakenings, enlightenment, whatever you want to call it… they happen when you connect to your deepest soul essence. Curious to know what that means and why this is so powerful for humanity? You’re in the right place.

Tune into this episode of Soul Essence as Xandra breaks down the meaning of spiritual awakening and shares one of her own, very vivid, spiritual awakenings that happened when she was just a kid.

Plus, you’ll learn how to know if you’re going through a spiritual awakening and where to go from there.

Topics Discussed:
•What is a spiritual awakening and why do they happen?
•Signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening.
•Examples of spiritual awakenings, including Xandra’s personal experience.
•Navigating the beauty and pain of having a spiritual awakening.
•The importance of trusting yourself and getting support when you’re going through a spiritual awakening.

“There’s so much meaning and love and deep, deep, deep, easeful, healing energy that is around us and oftentimes, our reality doesn’t reflect that back. And so, when you have a spiritual awakening and you can connect with your soul and that essence, there’s really beautiful information that comes out of that and you start living a life, eventually, that is full of more joy. But sometimes, there is pain in breaking down old belief systems.” – Xandra Hawes

Recommended Resources:
You Are the Answer by Michael Tamura: https://www.michaeltamura.com/events/viewproduct?id=5

Do you have psychic abilities? Take our quiz: https://www.soulessencewellnesscenter.com/quiz

Read more on our blog: https://www.soulessencewellnesscenter.com/blog

Book a FREE 45-minute discovery call with Xandra: www.soulessencewellnesscenter.com/book-online

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About the Host:
Xandra Hawes, MA, LPC is a Contemplative Psychotherapist & Psychic-Medium in private practice, as well as the creator of Soul Essence Wellness Center. Using her background in Buddhist psychology as the foundation for teaching, Xandra helps sensitive and empathic people discover their spiritual gifts, learn transformative energy healing practices, and live with more confidence, self-trust and joy.