You're invited to the kickback - game night edition!  Come join the fun as we spend the episode playing an impromptu game of "Good Conversations", where we share some refreshing yet revealing responses around a variety of topics like: vulnerable truths, our take on the hardest/easiest parts of life, what shifts may lessen personal challenges, experience with futuristic technology, life in Germany, dietary struggles, communication issues and so much more!

So prepare yourself, this one is a little change of place but in real Soul BBQ fashion there will be lots of laughs, insights to take away, and of course a little shade! :P

Mentionable Content (aka Suggested Resources):

Kelsey's Vegan Body Care - Instagram: (@hercelestialbody)

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Kelsey's Instagram: (@theevolvingaries)Steven's Instagram: (@eclectic_steve)

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Subscribe to our YouTube to watch the latest episodes! :D Kelsey's Instagram: (@theevolvingaries) Steven's Instagram: (@wildcardsteven)