“In this episode of the Someone Get’s Me Podcast, I share how to overcome approval addiction. Approval addiction comes in so many different forms. You can see how it applies to you, or if you know who this applies to, you can share this episode with them. Approval Addiction is when we filter from the outside and script and act the way we think someone wants us to approve of. This creates inner discord and repression and unresolved grief and anger. 


As children, we go from being dependent to independent. The third step many people miss is when we become interdependent. This means we know we give and receive. The art of reciprocity in our adult interactions makes a healthy adult. To live an authentic and aligned life, we must let go of approval addiction and use the principles of the universe, love, kindness, and generosity. 


Being addicted to the opinion of others is an unenlightened way to live, and many people are stuck living this way. Our brain tells us we all should be alike, yet we are all individuals. 


Approval Addiction comes in many forms. Codependency is one of them. 


The first way to beat approval is to remind yourself that you are in charge. You don't need anyone else's approval. Remind yourself that you are in charge by using mantras or putting post-it notes as reminders. You're in charge of your life. How you live it and align with what you think, say, and do is 100% on you.

The second way to beat approval addiction is to be open and receptive to counsel. Allow yourself to be open to people who have gone before you and know the way. Hearing the counsel of others It's an exchange. Connecting with another of like mind is the exchange the reciprocity.


The third way to beat approval addiction is to give yourself permission to step out of situations so that you can follow your own guidance and intuitions like your own energy.  It doesn't mean you have to get a divorce or get rid of all your friends. It does mean getting out of your own way. 

How to Connect with Dianne A. Allen

You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. The 6-month Visionary Leader Program will move you forward. You will grow, transform and connect.


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Follow Dianne’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/msdianneallen

Email contact: [email protected]

Dianne’s Mentoring Services: https://msdianneallen.com/

Website: https://visionsapplied.com/

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