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A:     In spiritual work sometimes people come and ask questions like, "Why did their son or their daughter die?" and, "Why is there so much cruelty and suffering in the world?" What can a teacher tell these people? B: That is a question which I will have to go a long way. Of course, I touch a bit of metaphysics also. From the central region, or from the centre there is energy. And, it came down, so it has revealed itself, or in other words, God wanted to create the world. So just an idea of God matured to the extent that we are here. That means, creation was like that. Now it left the field, that is central region or something. It left the field, and came out. Now afterwards, the mind of God was there. I mean,     we brought in miniature, we brought in . . . . That begin to work. And it was the cause of all this, body and everything. So mind we have got. Now, I have begun to utilize our mind in a wrong way and a right way also. Now, whatever action it may be it will leave some effect behind it. So that was effect, when you got the mind. You began to think otherwise and so many other things are coming, impressions are there. And they burst out into the shape of disease and something else. Because you work with your mind here, there it was God's mind. When it left the place, now it becomes your mind. So you are responsible, not the God. Mind came after the thought of God. Hence this thing you feel so many, diverse things you feel in, and you find in the world, that is the reason. Diseases, suffering, and God is not cruel. Because he does not want to leave any impression in your body, which is wrong. Our wrong thoughts have created so many faults, or so many things in our bodies. God does not want to keep it. Hence it burst out in disease. When there is a poison in the body, fever comes. Why ? - So that you may be relieved from that poison. It is not cruelty and no suffering. Are you satisfied with this answer ? A: Partly. B: Partly ? A: Yes, but I'm wondering what I could say to a mother who comes and says, "My son has died, and he did not want to die, and I did not want him to die. Why did he die?" B: One right that God has given to you, that is, given birth. The other he has taken, he has kept for Himself. A: (Danish:What is that?). B: We decay afterwards. Accept God. Neither he came, he was always there. Neither he came nor he has died, and we came we will die. He will take away some day. If there is beginning there must be end. So that is the reason. A: But it would be a good idea of us, to learn to die?     B: Learn to die? A: Ja. B: No. Good idea is learn to live! A:   Yes, but its only when we live we have the chance to progress, to, to ? B: There are souls, they also can progress. After death they also progress. A: Ja ? B: And that will be a very long subject. Good souls I mean. A: But isn't it, isn't the body a useful thing to have when we want to make spiritual progress ? B: Yes, body is useful. A: Ja B: Healthy also, so that you may work, you may meditate 2 hours, 3 hours, sometimes if you need. And if the body is not healthy like me, well I cannot meditate for two hours. A: But meditation is not needed when you are absorbed. B: But ..., my Master said, not out of my own accord. But he said, now you do not require any meditation, so as a habit sometimes I sit.