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A: I'm like many others Americans, am very tense and nervous, and very tight in the stomach area and the breathing has been very shallow. Is there anything that I and other people with a similar problem could do to correct it ?

B: No, if there is disease, the doctor is there. And this is not any spiritual disease, I'm telling you. And has no concern with it. Spirituality, spirituality even cures the
disease, not produces. This cleaning system, I am telling you, so many diseases are gone.
So I am telling you, there are two cases. I was also cleaning them. In one night the pleurisy dissappeared. . . . ., and some people have related that such a such a disease has been diminished, or has gone. Automatically it will result. And suppose if anybody has got disease. And along with that process of cleaning, you think that disease is also going out. It will have very good effect    can use it for health also. But again the press is there for realisation. That is this method has the only, this purpose, that you may realise God. Alongside so many things are corrected.
A:    Master, I have been told by some other people that colds and other certain kinds of diseases are caused to come about because of our negative thoughts. Is that true
B: Of course it is correct also. Well, heart attack, the chief cause of heart attacks is the confusion. And when comes the confusion ? When you are disturbed, your thoughts are disturbed. Then comes confusion. And spirituality cleans it. It is very good tonic for the heart and the mind, very good tonic. It brings in natural order. Although it is not that man joins this mission may not have heart attack. It is not that. But this is helped by it, not to bring that thing as a disease.
Simply meditate that your health will develop. Your health will begin to develop. You meditate that diseases is going out, they will begins to go out. It is very good thought.