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A:    There are people in America that are, given to believe in transmigration of the soul, but many of these people are running around trying to find out what they did in their passed lives. The question is, can they find out what they did in their passed lives and does it really matter?
B: Yes, not all, but important points you can find out. If they are on the that level of improvement. If they are on that level. Then you can know, by meditation. I know my passed lives. I do not remember but simply I went into meditation and found out a few things.
A: But has it any purpose to find out?

B: No purpose, but sometimes I require. Suppose if there is a grossness, of any type, and I'm trying it is not being removed, then I look towards past lives. So what was at that time, what was that impression which brought to this state. So I remove it from that. And my Master once said, "The best trainer, only he can be, who can read the past life". But if you ask me what you were in a past life I do not know. But if that thing occurs, then I know. But it seldom happens, not always. In one or two cases, I think.
A: So we should take interest in reading conditions, in others but . .?
B: No, the preceptors should try for that.
A: Ja. But to read one's own life, it has no use?
B: No use. You can find it out, just meditate, and the things will come. If meditation is strong, intense.
A: How does the vision of abhyasis past life appear ?
B: Just an idea.
A: Ja
B: Just an idea. Form is there, and if you be more attentive, colour will also be there.
Well if you want to ask, what you have felt in the group-sitting or individual sitting you can ask, there is no harm. But try to find out yourself what was his condition. I generally do not ask, sometimes I ask whether you feel peaceful, that’s all. And the nature of transmission as it may be, the same thing will happen there.
Just like a curtain is there and cinema reel is there and it gives impressions on that curtain. Similarly, the nature, it depends upon the nature of a transmission. Sometimes too much peace, sometimes not so much peace. So you read yourself, what sort of transmission he is getting, and come to your finding. And to verify it, you can ask.
I'm telling you, it is very easy to read others condition, spiritual I mean. Not that, what are their thoughts, that I do not know. It is very easy to read. Just a little practice.

And you see, when I was not made representative by my Master. Even then, even then, I was able to read. Of course that is a faculty, of course, by His grace it is well developed in me. Nobody could compete me. My master said: you brought this from the past lives, so nobody could compete you in this respect.
A: No. I'm sorry I haven't brought, but it will come.