Check out the full post over at


Did you know there are about 700,000 active podcasts today and there are more launching every single day! It’s safe to say we might be reaching the “Age of the Podcast.”

It’s no wonder that podcasts are growing in popularity. They are relatively inexpensive to set up and low-tech so you don’t need to have a huge team to do the heavy lifting. They are also a fantastic way to spread your message and create engaging and valuable content to your audience. Team Edgar has even joined the fun with our newest podcast Social Post!

We’ve heard from some of our audience that they too are planning to start their own podcasts as well so we’re sharing everything we know about a successful podcast launch.

First, let’s chat about why your podcast launch is important.

There are really two reasons you want to plan for and promote a podcast launch.

The first is straightforward: a great launch can lead to better rankings right out of the gate. iTunes rankings are based on the number of subscriptions, downloads, reviews, and ratings collected in the short period of time following your podcast launch. If you can see a big burst of subscribers, downloads and five-star reviews immediately after you launch, you can see higher rankings and have the opportunity of breaking into that “New and Noteworthy” category.

The second reason to plan and promote a launch is that it will act as your springboard to build your momentum and keep you consistently growing your podcast fanbase. When you start seeing that success and excitement around your initial launch, it’s natural to want to keep it going.

Ready for the most successful podcast launch ever? Let’s get to it!

1. Set a launch date and give yourself a deadline

Life gets busy! There are projects to complete, family events to attend, meetings to schedule, friends to see and, of course, your favorite Netflix show to binge. If you don’t buckle down and set a date, that podcast might be sitting on the “To Do” list for months or even years!

Set a hard and fast launch date for your podcast. Write it on your calendar, circle it twice or if you’re a digital person, add a few exclamation points to it

Once you have that date set, you’ll want to work backward from that date to plan your promotional posts. If you use a category-based scheduling system like MeetEdgar, this is easy to do! Simply view your schedule and find ideal days and times to start promoting your podcast. Create a category for your podcast and drop it into those ideal days and times.

Now all you need to do is start building that social content.

2. Create promotional social media content

Even though you haven’t quite launched, it doesn’t mean you can’t start promoting your podcast and generating buzz about it on social media. Remember, social media is your community and your goal is to build connections and conversations. What better way to drive connection than by sharing what you’re working on?

There are a few different types of social media posts you can use to build anticipation for your podcast without sounding repetitive.

Behind the scenes

People love seeing the inside of someone’s business! Do you have a cool podcasting set-up, a brand new microphone or notes from your interviews? Let your audience see those behind the scenes glimpses.


While you may not have an entire episode ready to air just yet, you probably have a few recorded that are in editing or maybe you just have your intro recorded or your music ready to go or even a peek at your logo, like podcasting superstar Georgia Hardstark did below. Sharing a look at what’s...

Check out the full post over at


Did you know there are about 700,000 active podcasts today and there are more launching every single day! It’s safe to say we might be reaching the “Age of the Podcast.”

It’s no wonder that podcasts are growing in popularity. They are relatively inexpensive to set up and low-tech so you don’t need to have a huge team to do the heavy lifting. They are also a fantastic way to spread your message and create engaging and valuable content to your audience. Team Edgar has even joined the fun with our newest podcast Social Post!

We’ve heard from some of our audience that they too are planning to start their own podcasts as well so we’re sharing everything we know about a successful podcast launch.

First, let’s chat about why your podcast launch is important.

There are really two reasons you want to plan for and promote a podcast launch.

The first is straightforward: a great launch can lead to better rankings right out of the gate. iTunes rankings are based on the number of subscriptions, downloads, reviews, and ratings collected in the short period of time following your podcast launch. If you can see a big burst of subscribers, downloads and five-star reviews immediately after you launch, you can see higher rankings and have the opportunity of breaking into that “New and Noteworthy” category.

The second reason to plan and promote a launch is that it will act as your springboard to build your momentum and keep you consistently growing your podcast fanbase. When you start seeing that success and excitement around your initial launch, it’s natural to want to keep it going.

Ready for the most successful podcast launch ever? Let’s get to it!

1. Set a launch date and give yourself a deadline

Life gets busy! There are projects to complete, family events to attend, meetings to schedule, friends to see and, of course, your favorite Netflix show to binge. If you don’t buckle down and set a date, that podcast might be sitting on the “To Do” list for months or even years!

Set a hard and fast launch date for your podcast. Write it on your calendar, circle it twice or if you’re a digital person, add a few exclamation points to it

Once you have that date set, you’ll want to work backward from that date to plan your promotional posts. If you use a category-based scheduling system like MeetEdgar, this is easy to do! Simply view your schedule and find ideal days and times to start promoting your podcast. Create a category for your podcast and drop it into those ideal days and times.

Now all you need to do is start building that social content.

2. Create promotional social media content

Even though you haven’t quite launched, it doesn’t mean you can’t start promoting your podcast and generating buzz about it on social media. Remember, social media is your community and your goal is to build connections and conversations. What better way to drive connection than by sharing what you’re working on?

There are a few different types of social media posts you can use to build anticipation for your podcast without sounding repetitive.

Behind the scenes

People love seeing the inside of someone’s business! Do you have a cool podcasting set-up, a brand new microphone or notes from your interviews? Let your audience see those behind the scenes glimpses.


While you may not have an entire episode ready to air just yet, you probably have a few recorded that are in editing or maybe you just have your intro recorded or your music ready to go or even a peek at your logo, like podcasting superstar Georgia Hardstark did below. Sharing a look at what’s to...