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Have you ever felt that you’re screaming into the void when you post on social media? You’re not alone. In fact, many brands and business owners struggle to see any engagement on their social posts.

According to a study by Rival IQ, brands see an average engagement of:

0.9% on Facebook posts

1.6% on Instagram posts

0.048% on Twitter

Yes, that means on average, most people see less than 2% of engagement on their social media posts.

Sounds like bad news, right? But WAIT, before you throw your computer out the window out of sheer frustration, there’s good news.

The good news is that social media is changing and platforms are shifting to encourage users to focus on building community, creating connections and sharing fantastic content.

As entrepreneurs and brands figure out how to adjust to a changing social media world and refocus on creating real engagement, there’s one thing to note: fantastic content matters more than ever on social media.

So what makes people stop, click and engage with your social media? How can you create content that is worthy of a click, whether it’s a like, a share, a comment or a link click?

Let’s break down what makes a social post “click-worthy”?

The 4 Keys of Content Marketing

Social media is a form of content marketing and there are four goals of content to keep in mind.

Content should


Content that educates teaches your audience something new. It is content that shows your audience how to solve a problem.


People are always looking for inspiration and social media is a perfect place to give it to them with a quote, inspirational video or moving story.


Sharing breaking news, the latest developments in your industry or announcements about your business are a few ways you can create content that informs.


At the end of the day, humans love pure entertainment. Content that is humorous, creative or just plain fun is fantastic for content to engage your audience. Think GIFs, funny videos or memes!

No matter what you post on social media, it should do one of these things for your audience. If it’s not, you might want to rethink why you’re sharing it!

2. Be personal

Humans want to connect with other humans, no matter what. The term “authentic” gets thrown around often in social media and while it’s become a bit overused, the underlying need for it still exists. Followers can’t build trust if they don’t feel like they know and like you and followers who don’t trust you won’t engage with your content. So even if you are posting as a business, you can still share your personality or personal story with your posts.

3. Tell a story

There’s plenty of science to back up the power of storytelling. Humans are wired to remember stories and social media is a perfect avenue to tell them. Stories have characters, a plot, meaning and most of all, emotional investment. By telling your story or the story of your business, you can connect to your audience emotionally. The story below is Amy Porterfield’s but it’s a story that will resonate with her audience because they may have felt the same emotions she did. She’s drawing her audience in with a story that will build their connection to her.

4. Test headline strategies

Copy matters, especially in social media where most people are scrolling past hundreds of content options. Humans have an attention span of about 8 seconds. This means we have a shorter attention span than a goldfish.

This fact may not necessarily be surprising, it should make a difference in...

Check out the full article at


Have you ever felt that you’re screaming into the void when you post on social media? You’re not alone. In fact, many brands and business owners struggle to see any engagement on their social posts.

According to a study by Rival IQ, brands see an average engagement of:

0.9% on Facebook posts

1.6% on Instagram posts

0.048% on Twitter

Yes, that means on average, most people see less than 2% of engagement on their social media posts.

Sounds like bad news, right? But WAIT, before you throw your computer out the window out of sheer frustration, there’s good news.

The good news is that social media is changing and platforms are shifting to encourage users to focus on building community, creating connections and sharing fantastic content.

As entrepreneurs and brands figure out how to adjust to a changing social media world and refocus on creating real engagement, there’s one thing to note: fantastic content matters more than ever on social media.

So what makes people stop, click and engage with your social media? How can you create content that is worthy of a click, whether it’s a like, a share, a comment or a link click?

Let’s break down what makes a social post “click-worthy”?

The 4 Keys of Content Marketing

Social media is a form of content marketing and there are four goals of content to keep in mind.

Content should


Content that educates teaches your audience something new. It is content that shows your audience how to solve a problem.


People are always looking for inspiration and social media is a perfect place to give it to them with a quote, inspirational video or moving story.


Sharing breaking news, the latest developments in your industry or announcements about your business are a few ways you can create content that informs.


At the end of the day, humans love pure entertainment. Content that is humorous, creative or just plain fun is fantastic for content to engage your audience. Think GIFs, funny videos or memes!

No matter what you post on social media, it should do one of these things for your audience. If it’s not, you might want to rethink why you’re sharing it!

2. Be personal

Humans want to connect with other humans, no matter what. The term “authentic” gets thrown around often in social media and while it’s become a bit overused, the underlying need for it still exists. Followers can’t build trust if they don’t feel like they know and like you and followers who don’t trust you won’t engage with your content. So even if you are posting as a business, you can still share your personality or personal story with your posts.

3. Tell a story

There’s plenty of science to back up the power of storytelling. Humans are wired to remember stories and social media is a perfect avenue to tell them. Stories have characters, a plot, meaning and most of all, emotional investment. By telling your story or the story of your business, you can connect to your audience emotionally. The story below is Amy Porterfield’s but it’s a story that will resonate with her audience because they may have felt the same emotions she did. She’s drawing her audience in with a story that will build their connection to her.

4. Test headline strategies

Copy matters, especially in social media where most people are scrolling past hundreds of content options. Humans have an attention span of about 8 seconds. This means we have a shorter attention span than a goldfish.

This fact may not necessarily be surprising, it should make a difference in your...