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Podcasting is hot right now and we’re not just saying that because we have one 😉
According to PodCast Insights, there are 30 million podcast episodes and 51% of people in the United States have listened to a podcast! So those customers you want to reach? They probably listen to a podcast.
And not only are people listening to podcasts, but they are also actively engaged with podcasts. According to that same study from PodCast Insights, 80% of podcast listeners listen to all or more of each podcast episode and podcast listeners listen to an average of 7 shows per week!
Now, after reading all of that, you might be thinking: “Hey, maybe I should start a podcast too!”
You might also be thinking, “Where do I even begin?”
And a few of you might even be thinking, “What the heck is a podcast?”
Good news, you’re in the right place because we were wondering how to get started ourselves just a few months ago!
We sat down and asked ourselves, “Hey, how does a small, bootstrapped team put out a really fantastic podcast without spending all of our time on it?”
And these are the exact steps we took from that conversation to Social Post, our weekly podcast!
The Format
If you want to start a podcast as part of your business, the first thing you need to determine is your format.
There are a few different podcast formats. Here are the top ones you might want to consider for your podcast.

This format is what many listeners think of when they think of podcasts. Interview-style shows feature one or two consistent hosts and a new guest on each episode. Entrepreneurs on Fire with John Lee Dumas and The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes are two popular examples.
If you do want to start an interview-style podcast, you should make sure there is a common theme, either with your guests or the message you are trying to share with your guests. In the examples above, John Lee Dumas only interviews (you guessed it!), entrepreneurs. While Lewis Howes guests are from a variety of different industries but the common theme is that all his guests share inspiring stories about what makes people great.
The pros of hosting an Interview-Style podcast is that your audience will hear from different viewpoints and get a well-rounded view of your topics. The cons of this format are that researching guests, scheduling different interviews and pitching to potential guests takes extra time and energy!

Conversational podcasts have multiple hosts discussing a specific topic in each episode. Call Your Girlfriend hosted by Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow is a popular conversational podcast where two friends call each other to discuss recent events in pop culture and politics.
The pros of a conversational podcast are that they are usually less structured, which means less planning is involved. However, you will need to work to make sure your topics remain consistently valuable so your audience stays engaged!

In a solo-cast podcast, one host shares about a topic. The host can bring in guests occasionally but the main format is the podcaster speaking a monologue about a topic. Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast is an excellent example of a solo-cast.
One of the biggest pros of a solo-cast is that you don’t have to schedule recordings around anyone else. This makes it much easier if you just want to batch record a month or two of episodes! The cons of a solo-cast is that you’ll be responsible for all of the content as there’s no co-host or guest to lean on!
Each of these podcasts have pros and cons and

Check out the whole post here:


Podcasting is hot right now and we’re not just saying that because we have one 😉

According to PodCast Insights, there are 30 million podcast episodes and 51% of people in the United States have listened to a podcast! So those customers you want to reach? They probably listen to a podcast.

And not only are people listening to podcasts, but they are also actively engaged with podcasts. According to that same study from PodCast Insights, 80% of podcast listeners listen to all or more of each podcast episode and podcast listeners listen to an average of 7 shows per week!

Now, after reading all of that, you might be thinking: “Hey, maybe I should start a podcast too!”

You might also be thinking, “Where do I even begin?”

And a few of you might even be thinking, “What the heck is a podcast?”

Good news, you’re in the right place because we were wondering how to get started ourselves just a few months ago!

We sat down and asked ourselves, “Hey, how does a small, bootstrapped team put out a really fantastic podcast without spending all of our time on it?”

And these are the exact steps we took from that conversation to Social Post, our weekly podcast!

The Format

If you want to start a podcast as part of your business, the first thing you need to determine is your format.

There are a few different podcast formats. Here are the top ones you might want to consider for your podcast.


This format is what many listeners think of when they think of podcasts. Interview-style shows feature one or two consistent hosts and a new guest on each episode. Entrepreneurs on Fire with John Lee Dumas and The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes are two popular examples.

If you do want to start an interview-style podcast, you should make sure there is a common theme, either with your guests or the message you are trying to share with your guests. In the examples above, John Lee Dumas only interviews (you guessed it!), entrepreneurs. While Lewis Howes guests are from a variety of different industries but the common theme is that all his guests share inspiring stories about what makes people great.

The pros of hosting an Interview-Style podcast is that your audience will hear from different viewpoints and get a well-rounded view of your topics. The cons of this format are that researching guests, scheduling different interviews and pitching to potential guests takes extra time and energy!


Conversational podcasts have multiple hosts discussing a specific topic in each episode. Call Your Girlfriend hosted by Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow is a popular conversational podcast where two friends call each other to discuss recent events in pop culture and politics.

The pros of a conversational podcast are that they are usually less structured, which means less planning is involved. However, you will need to work to make sure your topics remain consistently valuable so your audience stays engaged!


In a solo-cast podcast, one host shares about a topic. The host can bring in guests occasionally but the main format is the podcaster speaking a monologue about a topic. Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast is an excellent example of a solo-cast.

One of the biggest pros of a solo-cast is that you don’t have to schedule recordings around anyone else. This makes it much easier if you just want to batch record a month or two of episodes! The cons of a solo-cast is that you’ll be responsible for all of the content as there’s no co-host or guest to lean on!

Each of these podcasts have pros and cons and