A random post here, a minor profile tweak there. Before you know it, you’re aimlessly meandering through your social channels like a kitten on roller skates.

It’s not pretty and, well, it’s not very productive.

(Not to mention dangerous!)

Reel it in for a moment and get back on steady ground. We’re here to share our secret sauce to social media productivity.

As our guest today Sagan puts it:

It’s hard to get stuff done when life gets in the way (as it has a tendency of doing!)… but that doesn’t mean that the time doesn’t exist, or that you can’t be more productive (in your personal OR your professional life). Instead, it’s all about maximizing your time and energy, figuring out your particular organizational style, getting past your personal obstacles, and taking action. 

The truth is, anyone has it in them to be more productive. You can be a busy mom juggling a side hustle with your full-time 9 to 5 job and still make progress… without sacrificing your time with loved ones or losing yourself in the process. That’s right: you CAN have it all. You have it within you to take ownership of your time and energy, to do more in less time! 

Tune in for more productivity powerhouse tips!

Learn more about Sagan: https://saganmorrow.com/about/

Learn more about Edgar: www.meetedgar.com