What is this episode all about? Instagram followers that become customers! Elise dives into tips for writing copy, upcycling the video content you have to make sure you have social media that actually sells and you can have your best month ever.

We also dive into TikTok for business. TikTok is a social media network that revolves around video sharing. TikToks are 15 or 60 seconds in length and can be created right in the TikTok App. The app allows for integration with other social media channels and you can create, edit, and share your videos right in the app itself without any outside video editing software or experience.

Most people know TikTok for things like lip-syncing and dancing videos but the app is surging in popularity and many brands and businesses are adding it to their social media content strategy because of it.

Today we’re going to share how TikTok works and the best ways to use it in your content marketing game plan.

Last, she shares her copywriting tips to create a blog people actually want to read!

Find out more from Elise here: https://elisedarma.com/

The master class that she chats about here: https://instagrowthboss.com/join

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