In this episode...

Sebastiaan shares his personal journey of overcoming Social Anxiety and offers unique techniques to help viewers achieve the same results. 

He emphasizes the power of accepting anxiety and releasing negative emotions associated with self-judgment. He provides insights and practical exercises to help viewers overcome the fear of being seen as anxious and find relief from Social Anxiety.

By changing beliefs and releasing emotional attachments through techniques like tapping, individuals can reach a place of self-acceptance and realize that anxiety does not define their worth or determine negative consequences.

This episode offers hope to those who have tried various methods to alleviate Social Anxiety without success.

Check out Kate’s testimonial here.

If you want to break free from Social Anxiety and engage in these exercises, get our FREE Mini course:

“The 7 Secrets to Social Confidence”

Go here for show notes page.


Do you feel awkward in social situations? Do you struggle to be yourself around others?

And do you fear being judged, being seen anxious, and embarrassing yourself?

You’re not alone.
I’ve been there. It sucks. Big time.
But there’s hope. I’ve been fortunate enough to overcome my Social Anxiety...
... and I’ve helped hundreds of socially anxious clients overcome their struggles too.

Thankfully, there’s a gentle, powerful, and effective solution to beat it.

It won’t happen overnight, but with certain techniques and strategies, you can reduce your Social Anxiety quickly.
And with persistence, you can become completely anxiety-free.
Without needing to force yourself to awkwardly face your fears.

Ready to get started on your journey to Social Confidence?

Here are your first steps:
1.) Follow this Podcast and always get the latest episodes!

2.) Go to and receive access to a short transformational video to reduce your anxiety immediately. AND you’ll also get my FREE “7 Secrets to Social Confidence” Mini Course.

3.) Let’s connect!
• SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel
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All the best on your journey to effortless social ease.

Warm regards,



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