Welcome to the second season of the SISU Journey Podcast! Our progress towards healing from the curse of separateness continues. We will hear stories of overcoming adversities from diverse perspectives from those whose voices have been silenced. Through the experience of storytelling and sharing, may we all find the support that we need in these challenging times.


Have you ever wondered why traditional goal-setting feels rigid and clunky and seems to fizzle right off, sometimes before it even starts? Have you gotten frustrated about your list of unaccomplished dreams?

Maybe it’s not you, maybe it’s how you have learned to set goals that isn’t meshing with your individual genius.

Can you imagine how connecting to the identity of an athlete is way more juicy and magical than setting a process goal of going to the gym x number of times a week? 

Join us for a FREE identity-based goal-setting masterclass starting August 23rd. Come to https://sisujourney.com today and sign up on the waitlist, or to book a free chemistry call.

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