Need some extra help beating the B.A.D.? I've got a few tools to help you out --



Having unwavering belief in yourself is like the ultimate level of confidence, and it's not impossible to reach. Although, now's the time to ditch the idea that believing in yourself doesn't come without fear or feeling emotions. You're getting the literal inside look at what creating this kind of belief in yourself looks like.


In today’s episode we dive deeper into:


My real time experience with leaning into belief. Tapping into discipline. How your belief is shaped by the way you see your life. What saying "should" really means.


Go Deeper:

Want to learn more about Beat The B.A.D.? -- FREE TOOL - Meditation Made Simple For Busy Bodies & Minds - 2 guided meditations and a guide explaining the inner workings of meditation: Download my FREE guide Many Mantras to start rewriting your negative language and building your confidence: Join The Simply Happy Podcast Tribe Facebook Group to be a part of a community that isn't just about sharing struggle but also supporting each other in growth -- Sign up for more mental health insight by subscribing to the SimplyOli Mailing List: Follow on Instagram @therealsimplyoli


Appreciate and love you so much! Thank you for taking the time to listen! If you enjoyed the episode, please let me know by leaving a review on iTunes! xxx

Music: djquads