Why is gratitude so trendy right now? Does journaling about gratitude actually work? In this episode of Shut Up and Sit, we’re switching things up! As Yedda moves into chapter 9, focusing on gratitude, her friend and community member, Amanda Eaddy McKeithan, interviews Yedda on the power of sharing your true self and your story with the world and advocating for women empowerment. Then, Amanda talks to Yedda about her relationship with gratitude and leveraging the power of words to create good in the world, along with some incredible insights on how cultivating gratitude can help you blossom and reach success. 

“Having this sense of gratitude is major…I believe that our words can either heal or they can kill.” - Amanda

Gratitude doesn’t mean you’re always grateful for the good stuff. Sometimes, it allows you to sit in suffering, move through it, and as Amanda says, heal. 

 “Gratitude, if you know it or not, has really been under the current the whole time because all of existence is cheering for you, loving you, supporting you, is grateful that you are here… You matter simply because you exist.” - Yedda


Listen to the episode of Yedda on Amanda’s podcast: *Link needed*

Buy the book: www.yeddastancil.com/buy-the-book

Take the course: www.yeddastancil.com/take-the-course

Twenty Wishes by Debbie Macomber: https://amzn.to/37rJFNE

About Yedda:

As a consciousness coach and consultant, Yedda strives to be present with everyone she meets, aspiring to pay total attention without judgement. She is open-minded and lives life with an open heart, offering others a sacred safe space to grow and evolve, free from suffering and shame.

Yedda’s ultimate desire is to live in a world where every person feels awakened and deeply connected to their authentic self—a world centered around lovingkindness and equanimity, where all humans feel safe to communicate soul-to-soul. Dedicated to serving something greater than herself, Yedda defines her life’s work as “walking others home to the truth that we are ALL the highest and grandest expression of Source.”

Yedda offers a unique blend of leadership, mindfulness, and personal development skills to clients, helping them to integrate mind, body, and soul.

Connect with Yedda:

Visit her website: www.SitWithYedda.com

Get her book: https://amzn.to/3PiBP0a

Subscribe to her YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQIBSs2arYxgbqkbfOHs9g

Follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sitwithyedda 

Connect with her on Facebook: www.facebook.com/yeddastancil

Connect with her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/yeddastancil

Follow her on Twitter: www.twitter.com/yeddastancil

Do you have feedback, questions, or comments? Leave a review here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/shut-up-and-sit/id1561078547


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