It’s time for an unfolding; a liberation. Do you resonate? In this episode of Shut Up and Sit, Yedda talks about the four stages of your unfolding, which happens as you begin to shut up and sit, become more aware, and work through your trauma and drama. Yedda speaks on the victim mindset, rewriting your narratives, manifesting, channeling your energy into your potential, and purely being in the present moment.

“When you let go and you step into something larger and bigger-working in you and through you, you channel and come up with ideas, inspirations, solutions, love, resources, unlimited pure potentiality that will blow your mind.” - Yedda

Remember, you only ever have control over three things in your life: the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take. When you decide you’re ready to shut up and sit and work through your challenges or traumas, you will begin to unfold and liberate yourself. However, if you need additional resources, please seek them out! Wherever you are on the spectrums of trauma and drama, know that you are seen, you are loved, and you are not alone.

“The question you do have to ask yourself is: Does this speak to me? Is this something for me? And if it’s not, you have permission to just gently set it down mindfully and take what does speak to you.” - Yedda


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About Yedda:

As a consciousness coach and consultant, Yedda strives to be present with everyone she meets, aspiring to pay total attention without judgement. She is open-minded and lives life with an open heart, offering others a sacred safe space to grow and evolve, free from suffering and shame.

Yedda’s ultimate desire is to live in a world where every person feels awakened and deeply connected to their authentic self—a world centered around lovingkindness and equanimity, where all humans feel safe to communicate soul-to-soul. Dedicated to serving something greater than herself, Yedda defines her life’s work as “walking others home to the truth that we are ALL the highest and grandest expression of Source.”

Yedda offers a unique blend of leadership, mindfulness, and personal development skills to clients, helping them to integrate mind, body, and soul.

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