What's true is that we ARE in a time of uncertainty.

What's TRUE is that we don't know what life is going to look like in a year or 6 months or 6 days.

What's TRUE is that there is a global pandemic that we are not experts in yet.

That is where we ARE right now and, aside from what we know to slow it down (hand washing, social distancing, etc), the incessant thinking and worrying and STRESSING about it is NOT helpful.

You aren't solving the problem, you are WORRYING. 

Your worrying isn't making you feel better, it's making you feel WORSE.

The most effective thing you can be doing for yourself right now is taking care of your MENTAL health. 

We need to not have a gazillion humans sitting in their homes panicking. 

That is hard on your physical health AND your mental health.

If you are a listener of this podcast or a follower of my work I have TAUGHT you how to stay calm even during a pandemic.

You KNOW what to do.

Now you need to DO it.

This episode is a call to action...how do you want to see yourself when you LOOK BACK on this moment in history?

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