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This episode is NOT just for people in neurodiverse relationships, it will help ANYONE in ANY relationship.

When my husband was diagnosed with Aspergers 5 years into our marriage, I googled "married to someone with Aspergers". The stories and articles that came up were completely discouraging. Everything said that these neurodiverse relationships don't usually work, but if they DO work, the neurotypical partner is going to face a life of suffering and sacrificing. thank you.

I decided that was not going to be MY story. I decided that was not good enough for me. I believe that life is meant to be lived FULLY, not just survived.

And so I decided that WE would create our OWN narrative. WE would be the example of what is POSSIBLE in a neurodiverse relationship. 

And that's what we did. But the way we did it was NOT the way most people were suggesting because what other people were suggesting wasn't working. After spending SO many hours having conversations about communication that went nowhere, we did it differently.

Today I'm sharing the 6 things I STOPPED doing that allowed us to transform our marriage and create a neurodiverse relationship that isn't just surviving...we're genuinely happy.