This is Gerhard’s first set of interviews from KubeCon North America 2021. William Morgan shares with us some of the finer Linkerd details, such as the underlying security theme, why native Kubernetes objects are preferable to more CRDs, and the joy of meeting team members in person. Frederic Branczyk speaks about Parca, a new continuous system profiling tool that uses eBPF to help you understand what is happening on your hosts. Andrew Rynhard gives us a great Talos OS and Kubespan perspective, and shares some really good follow-up videos on these topics. The last conversation is with David Flanagan - you know him as Rawkode - about new beginnings. It’s only been less than two months since we’ve had him in episode 18, and he kept really busy. Caleb, his 3 weeks old baby boy, was the youngest attendee at this conference, and some talks made him sleepy, so good job everyone.

This is Gerhard’s first set of interviews from KubeCon North America 2021.

William Morgan shares with us some of the finer Linkerd details, such as the underlying security theme, why native Kubernetes objects are preferable to more CRDs, and the joy of meeting team members in person.

Frederic Branczyk speaks about Parca, a new continuous system profiling tool that uses eBPF to help you understand what is happening on your hosts.

Andrew Rynhard gives us a great Talos OS and Kubespan perspective, and shares some really good follow-up videos on these topics.

The last conversation is with David Flanagan - you know him as Rawkode - about new beginnings. It’s only been less than two months since we’ve had him in episode 18, and he kept really busy. Caleb, his 3 weeks old baby boy, was the youngest attendee at this conference, and some talks made him sleepy, so good job everyone.

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William Morgan – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteFrederic Branczyk – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteAndrew Rynhard – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInDavid Flanagan – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteGerhard Lazu – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:

William Morgan, Linkerd

Overview and State of Linkerd - KubeCon EU 2021
Announcing Linkerd 2.11: Policy, gRPC retries, performance improvements, and more!
A Kubernetes engineer’s guide to mTLS - Mutual authentication for fun and profit
Linkerd production runbook
Linkerd Community Guide to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2021

Frederic Branczyk, Parca

What Does the Future Hold for Observability? - Tom Wilkie & Frederic Branczyk - KubeCon EU 2019 - start profiling in seconds - Introducing Parca
Frederic’s new coffee machine, one of his secrets for shipping new Parca features quickly
Polar Signals Careers - a careers page to use for inspiration
On Building Company Culture

Andrew Rynhard, Talos OS

Talos is a modern OS for Kubernetes
🎬 COSI: The Common Operating System Interface - Steven Borrelli & Andrew Rynhard - KubeCon EU 2021
🎬 Playing with KubeSpan at home - Andrey Smirnov - Setting up KubeSpan on Talos 0.13 for a hybrid home cluster: QEMU VMs, Raspberry Pi 4 and AWS Graviton instances
🎬 Managing bare-metal Kubernetes with Sidero

David Flanagan, new beginnings

Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code
Caleb - Youngest KubeCon NA 2021 attendee

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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