This week Gerhard is talking with Arnaud Porterie, founder of EchoesHQ, a new utility that measures and communicates engineering activity. They start by re-creating the 60 seconds Y Combinator pitch, and then shift focus to what it was like to get EchoesHQ off the ground. Next, they tackle something which is always on Gerhard’s mind: Why is it important to connect our daily engineering activity to intent? Before EchoesHQ, Arnaud used to run the core team and the open source project at Docker, and combined with other engineering leadership roles that he held for over a decade, he kept encountering misalignment that was preventing organisations from making meaningful progress. Let’s hear why EchoesHQ might just be a great way of addressing this.

This week Gerhard is talking with Arnaud Porterie, founder of EchoesHQ, a new utility that measures and communicates engineering activity.

They start by re-creating the 60 seconds Y Combinator pitch, and then shift focus to what it was like to get EchoesHQ off the ground. Next, they tackle something which is always on Gerhard’s mind: Why is it important to connect our daily engineering activity to intent?

Before EchoesHQ, Arnaud used to run the core team and the open source project at Docker, and combined with other engineering leadership roles that he held for over a decade, he kept encountering misalignment that was preventing organisations from making meaningful progress. Let’s hear why EchoesHQ might just be a great way of addressing this.

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Arnaud Porterie – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteGerhard Lazu – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:

EchoesHQ in one tweet: Photo 2
Echoes HQ on Product Hunt
The ticketing conundrum
Here’s some lesser-known products we use on a daily basis at @Echoes_HQ which deserve a shoutout
I turned 0x26 yesterday and I cannot wait to build this
How Docker broke in half
🎬 Start with why - How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound 2009
🎸 Pink Floyd - Echoes (Remastered)

EchoesHQ - September 2021 screenshot

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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