How do we make saving the planet sexy and sassy?

Is it possible to be free of the fears we're f*cking up the future for our kids?

In this episode, I talk with Melissa Kendall, a person HeARTist with a passion for being sustainably sassy, consciously chic, and deliciously detoxed, to explore some of the simple ways we can create real sustainable change for ourselves, the community and for Mother Earth.

Tune in to hear more about:

How you can make sustainability a turn on

Being sustainable from the inside out.

What to do if you feel overwhelmed when it comes to your desire to live sustainably with a minimal footprint 

One simple, sustainable tip that will make you feel empowered, and make a difference!

Love vs fear and the role the heart plays 

The lie that it costs more to live making heart-led decisions

What is a conscious choice and how do you make one?

A super, simple, easy and cheap toilet cleaner recipe!

Why you need to be cautious of canned food.

How are we exercising our power as consumers

Two simple tips to turn you on.

A sustainable, sensual alternative to tea bags

You can connect with Melissa via:
