Did you know that sex is not just an indulgent option on the menu, or a decadent, naughty dessert for you to feel guilty about.

It's the main course!

It's healthy, nourishing, and vital to your health!

So why don't we give it the attention and priority that it deserves?

In this episode I chat with Vireo Karvenon, a pleasure coach, author and expert on sacred femininity and sexuality about why your sexual health matters.

We discuss why it's so important that women have access to information about their anatomy and sexuality, what we can do about the shame and embarrassment that women have about sex and their bodies, and demonstrate the 7 steps to Belief Re-patterning®

Listen in to learn:

Why your sexual health matters

You're not meant to suffer through menstruation and menopause

The contribution our sexual health makes to our overall health

Sex as a main course, not a dessert

Pleasure and sexuality are a fuel physically, mentally and emotionally and spiritually

How shame, your beliefs, and your subconscious mind impact your sexual expression

How belief repatterining can help dissolve shame

The three things you need to support your body to create new neural pathways

Body shame and the rise in women having surgery to change their breasts and vulvas

The seven steps of Belief Re-patterning®

You can connect with Vireo:

https://pleasurecoachvireo.ca/ (scroll down for your free gift) AND Choose your Pleasure:*

weekly Bite Sized Pleasure Moment videos (1 to 2 mins) on Tantric Tuesdays

https://www.facebook.com/vireoauthor (like my business page)

Join Sacred Pleasure Path Sisterhood (by answering 3 questions & agreeing to

group rules):


Vireo mentions her published work -the details are:

March 2020, her chapter “Transforming That Shame” in compilation “From

Shadows to Light: A Whole Human Approach to Mental Health”.


December 2022, her chapter “Being Your Own Heroine & Living in

Ecstasy” in compilation “Divine Feminine Awakening.” (Bestseller)