The start, middle and the end. The most important elements in a story, and our human life story.

Yet in Western, white culture they're the phases of life that are rarely discussed, heavily medicalised, and largely override the natural, innate wisdom of our bodies to transition effectively through these life stages.

Women are left on their own to struggle through these transitions, without community or spiritual support or guidance.

This is where the doula, sharing ancient wisdom, practices, and ceremonies, can make a huge difference.

In this episode, I talk with Leah Patara, a Doula, Conscious Conception Meditation teacher, and a creator of sacred spaces, about how she supports women to trust their body, receive nurturing physical, emotional and spiritual support, and get the information they need to honour, revere and celebrate the shifts and changes happening as women experience childbirth, and also death.

Together we explore what it would be like to do life with a doula by our side.

Tune in to hear us explore:

What is the role of a doula?

How can a doula help us in life?

The value in going back and reflecting on our own birth experiences

How a doula can help complete a birth experience, even years later.

The different rites of passage ceremonies that are available

Having a doula in midlife, and what that could look like

Why embodiment is so relevant and important

How our daughters can be our doulas.

How we can help heal sister wounds and the trauma that our ancestors carried. 

What’s available when we slow down.

Dealing with death of loved ones, relationships, and our roles and identities.

Preparing for your death

The ceremonies and rituals that can accompany death and help with the grieving process 

Orgasms, Pleasure and focusing on the simple things

You can connect with Leah via instagram at

Leah is offering to include a Closing ceremony (s a half day experience for 4th trimester) with any birth support doula booking. She is also offering a Bring a friend for free if you learn her Motherhood meditation. Reach out to her for more details and mention this podcast.