Do you know what men want sexually?

Where have you learned about men's sexual desire?

In this conversation with Özlem Peron, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Certified Tantric Yoga & Pranayama Practitioner, and Sacred Sexuality Healer, we talk about common misunderstandings, biological differences, and influences on men's sexual appetite.

Ozlem reveals that there's a discrepancy with what women and society think men want and desire, our knowledge about each other's sexual energy, and what men actually need and crave.

Whether or not you're in a sexual relationship with a man, this is the perfect opportunity to appreciate and understand men in a whole new way. You'll discover there are many assumptions that are made about men's sexual appetite, and just how damaging and far from reality they are for many men.

Listen now to hear Özlem share about:

The turn on that’s available for men when they are embodied and connect with their heart and body.

Our assumptions of men and their sexual desires and appetite are not true.

How men get intimacy and sex confused.

Pornography and its impact on men’s understanding of sex, intimacy and desire.

The difference in the biological make up and sexual energy of men and women 

The prevalence of performance anxiety in men

How unrealistic and damaging pornography is

The pressure to come and ejaculate

How important it is for all of us to understand and be intimate with ourselves first.

The impacts on our sexual appetite

How erotic play can help us to understand our partners better

The vulnerability required to understand and explore each other in a sexual relationship

There’s an opportunity for men and women to learn about and from each other

What to do when you and your partner have different sexual appetites

How men can express their sexual energy in healthy ways

What to do when men in our life are not in touch with themselves and seeking to understand and express their sexual energy in healthy, connected ways.

Sexual fears men have

Why it’s important we show up fully expressed as women

What men are really longing for

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