I’m back again with a ‘quickie’ bonus episode which, I’ll tell you right up front, just might piss you off a bit, and which definitely conjures up some emotions for me. Today, I’m putting a challenge out there to you all: to look at COVID-19 as your ‘bathroom floor moment’, your wake-up call to make that decision to shift from merely surviving to actually thriving. While I fully recognize that this presents a difficult task, especially for those of you who are being hit hardest by this pandemic, I can also assure you that, if you are able to adopt this new perspective, it will have a remarkable impact upon your life.

There is absolutely no doubt that we’re all riding this Coronavirus rollercoaster these days, celebrating the highs and working our way through the lows – I’m right there, living it along with you. I also know that this moment in time, this disruption, gives us a unique opportunity to experience that quiet which brings us to a place we all too often avoid – that place where we recognize those areas in our lives that we need to work on. By sharing my own story with you today, I want to encourage you, too, to make that difficult but ultimately rewarding decision, to take yourself off autopilot, to participate in your future, and to decide that you simply won’t ‘settle’ anymore.

Again, I know things are uncertain out there, and because of that I’m officially opening up enrollment for my membership community. Now is the time to be in community with like-minded women, gain support as you navigate these challenging times and be reminded to continue to create goals for right now and the future. Learn more and sign up at



The Finer Details of This Episode:

- Kelly’s story and her decision to shift from surviving to thriving

- Looking at COVID-19 as a ‘bathroom floor moment’ or wake-up call

- Managing your thoughts

- Joining the ‘Dare to Thrive’ community



“I had been moving along through life on this auto-pilot that many of you can relate to.”

“What if you use this to clarify what you want to focus on now and when we move through this?”

“There is so much power in making that decision, in acknowledging that shit isn’t okay, that good enough isn’t okay, and that you are allowed to want more, and we are meant to thrive, not survive, my friend.”

“You’re so capable of doing it and what’s on the other side is a hell of a lot better.”

“Realign your priorities…realize your power, and…reach your potential.”


Show Links:

Dare to Thrive Membership:


Free checklist “5 Ways to Positively Manage Your Emotions”: https://kellythealth.lpages.co/5-positive-ways