Today’s topic is one that I know that I have had to remind myself about a lot lately as the craziness of the season is upon us – gratitude. While you likely have heard there are benefits to gratitude, I want to share with you the science behind it, and more importantly, offer some ideas about how to make sure you’re actually practicing it. Let’s face it, especially in a year like we have just been through, sometimes this critical practice falls through the cracks – let’s work together to get it back on track.

We’ll begin by defining gratitude, highlight the difference between it and thankfulness, and then look at the many, many benefits it provides. Citing a number of studies, I’ll review the effects gratitude has upon the brain, physical health, anxiety, and relationships, and finish up with some action items for you including the challenge I’ve set for you all. I know that I really needed to revisit all this information about gratitude since I had let my practice slip in the last little while, and I can imagine that much the same may be true for you as well. In this traditionally most chaotic month of the undeniably most chaotic year, join me today to take a pause and let’s invigorate your gratitude practice so that you can enjoy its many benefits now that you need them most.

In an effort to support you even further in getting off to the best start possible in 2021, I’m also happy to announce again that I’m opening up a new cohort for my Ascend Mastermind that will start mid-January! If you’re a high achieving entrepreneur or high level professional who is ready to uplevel your health and well-being (mental, emotional, physical) while working towards your true professional and personal goals and also putting the overwhelm of 2020 in the rear view, then this Mastermind is the perfect opportunity for you. You’ll get to strengthen your habits, get clear on what you want and be held accountable by, and find support among like-minded women as you ascend. Check out the details here:

The Finer Details of This Episode:

  Defining gratitude   The difference between gratitude and thankfulness   The benefits of gratitude   How gratitude impacts the brain   Some studies regarding the effects of gratitude   Gratitude’s impact on physical health, anxiety, relationships,   Some action items   Kelly’s challenge to listeners


“It can also, and should be, rooted in the appreciation of yourself.”

“We’re all, kind of, on different places on the spectrum…and that’s okay.”

“You don’t just feel it, you do something about it.”

“The effects of gratitude, when practiced daily, can be almost the same as medications.”

“Our mental health right now in our society is really scary.”

“It seems practicing gratitude on top of receiving psychological counseling carries greater benefits than counseling alone even when gratitude practice is brief.”

“Research shows that the more grateful you are, the healthier you feel.”

“There’s this snowball effect.”

“By practicing gratitude we can handle stress better than others.”

“You basically are training your brain to look for things you’re grateful for in the moment, throughout the day.”

“With anxiety comes insecurity…and our brain defaults to worst case scenario.”

“Our mind cannot focus on positive and negative information at the same time.”

“The benefits of gratitude take time.”

“You don’t have to share gratitude for it to be beneficial, you can keep it to yourself.”

“Gratitude just really brings a lot of feelings of positivity, and when you express it to other people, it has, like, this extension.”

“I hope that you’re taking care of yourself.”

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Ascend Mastermind

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Toxic Positivity Episode

UC Berkeley Study on Gratitude and Mental Health

2013 Study from Journal of Personality and Individual Differences

2015 Study of Gratitude and Health

Effects of Gratitude and Appreciation Study