If you can believe it, we have finally made it to the end of 2020! Sure, it was a year of challenges, but if you really reflect on it, you will find some positives as well which you may be able to build upon for the coming year, and that is exactly what I want to discuss with you today. Revisiting an episode that I produced last year at this time, we’ll look at how this time of year offers us a chance to look back at our successes and challenges, and look forward to a fresh start and an opportunity to focus on goals that will eliminate bad habits and internalize healthier routines.

In this episode, I outline out seven steps for crafting manageable goals that will last you the whole year and not just until your initial burst of New Year’s energy lapses. I also reveal how I help my sons craft their own goals, discuss how you can figure out what you value most, and explain why you should make a point of writing your goals down and sharing your progress with a trusted friend. Valuable at any time, this is a particularly relevant episode as we finish one year (especially 2020!) and begin the next equipped with goals that we determine for ourselves along with some strategies to achieve them.

In an effort to help you even further with these goals, I am so excited to announce that I will be holding another free ‘Clear AF’ workshop, which will offer you some extra support in getting clarity on what you really want as well as a strategy to implement to start your journey toward achieving it. The workshop takes place Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at 4:00 PM PST, and you can sign up for it here: sign up, or by contacting me through email.

I’m also excited to let you know once again that I’m opening up a new cohort for my Ascend Mastermind that will start at the end of January! If you’re a high achieving entrepreneur or high level professional who is ready to uplevel your health and well-being (mental, emotional, physical) while creating and pursuing goals you actually want and also putting the overwhelm of 2020 in the rear view, then this Mastermind is the perfect opportunity for you. You’ll get to strengthen your habits, get clear on what you want and be held accountable by, and find support among like-minded women as you ascend. Check out the details here: www.kellytravis.net/ascend

And don’t forget, it’s still not too late to join our 30-Day Gratitude Challenge at my Goal-Getter's Club. Even if you happen to miss the January 1, 2021, start date, you are more than welcome to join at any time during the month – you’ll be glad you did!


The Finer Details of This Episode:

- First things first: look back on the year that has just ended and take the time to consider both your successes and your challenges

- How I help my boys reflect on their past year and what they’ve accomplished

- Figure out what your ideal end goal is so you can reverse-engineer the best path to it

- Identify your three core values so you can clarify what’s important to you and why

- What do health and wellbeing specifically mean to you?

- A study about accomplishing goals

- Be honest with yourself about how you’ll need to change your lifestyle to accommodate for your goals

- View your temporary setbacks as learning opportunities rather than failures

- Don’t underestimate the power of a buddy system when it comes to sticking to your goals



“If we can reflect back, we learn, we create opportunities, and we identify what was most important to us.”

“You can identify where you want to go and how you want to get there.”

“It’s good to do this practice on a regular basis.”

“Get as clear as you can about the outcome you want to achieve.”

“The more specific you get when creating your goals, the more likely it is that you’ll accomplish them.”

“We need to work with our brain so that it works for us.”

“Don’t compare your beginning with somebody else’s middle.”

“You can’t hide a bad habit with a good habit.”

“You’re a different person through the process.”

“We want to level up in certain areas.”

“Find your people.”


Show Links:

Join my free FB group at Goal-Getter's Club

‘Clear AF’ free workshop: sign up

Ascend Mastermind

Join our She Doesn’t Settle community here