Today’s topic is one that I’m really looking forward to bringing to you, and it’s one that I really want you to think about: incorporating habits that allow you to have rest and recovery. As ‘doers’, so many of us tend to pile stuff on ourselves, and we freak out a bit at the thought of taking the time to rest, but I guarantee you, it is extremely important not only to your performance, but your immune system, your relationships, your enthusiasm, and your mental health as well.

We’ll begin by looking at the need for rest and recovery, differentiating between sleep and rest, and the addiction that so many of us have to the busy-ness of our lives. I’ll also review the three main areas in our lives which require rest and recovery, their causes and symptoms, and I’ll share a number of practical strategies to help address exhaustion in these areas. Throughout the episode, I share my own experiences with this topic, and I know that so many of you will see yourselves in the examples provided. Exhaustion is so prevalent in our society these days, it’s time for us to address this head on and take action on the need for rest and recovery – we owe it to ourselves.

This important topic is just one of those which I focus on with my Ascend Mastermind ladies, and as you may know, I have reopened my Ascend Mastermind to a new cohort! If you’re tired of playing small in your life and work, and you’re ready to identify what you want and how to get there (in a healthy way) while in community with like-minded women, then this Mastermind is definitely for you. Schedule a call with me at or send an email at [email protected] with questions. There are only a few spots left, and we start in September, so there’s no time like the present to have a chat with me and see if this is right for you.


The Finer Details of This Episode:

- The need for rest and recovery

- Sleep’s role in rest

- My earlier podcast about sleep

- The addiction to busy-ness

- The three areas that need rest and recovery

- Causes and symptoms of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion and strategies for their rest and recovery



“We can’t show up our best over and over again if we’re depleted mentally, physically, emotionally.”

“I am always to blame for the burnout and overwhelm I experience – I create it, I fuel it, and you probably do, too, especially if you’re a doer.”

“We don’t consider rest as a necessity in our culture.”

“It is a mind-body-spirit issue.”

“Typically, the area you exert the most energy is where you need to put the most recovery in and rest.”

“Your body reveals what it needs from you, but in order to hear it, you have to slow down and listen.”

“97% of us state we feel tired most of the time.”

“Your mind chatter feels like it never stops.”

“Emotions are contagious.”

“Women tend to be more vulnerable to absorbing the stress and negativity of those around them.”

“Say ‘Yes’ to the things that light you up and to the people that light you up.”


Show Links:

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Free guide: 7 Things Your Nightly Routine Should Include

Sleep episode

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