Today, I am so excited to welcome the very special Taunya Craig to the podcast. Taunya is a Relationship Therapist, Coach, and Speaker who completed her counseling training at Clearmind International through their Transpersonal Psychology Counseling Program. She has combined this with her life experiences and lessons to create her own compassionate, non-judgmental practice specializing in relationships. 

In today’s conversation, Taunya shares her own remarkable life story and how she got to where she is today. This leads into our discussion about self-discovery and valuing yourself, true vulnerable connections, emotionally safe relationships, and  determining what is of service to you. Taunya shares how she helps people learn to understand themselves, experience feelings, and acquire the key skills of offering validation, and sharing vulnerability. Throughout the interview, she stresses the need to form a relationship with yourself, enjoy the ‘juicy’ part of life, and also to know when enough is enough with a relationship. Our conversation draws to a close with the emotional story behind one of Taunya’s tattoos, and her own stirring description of the woman she has become. By the end of the interview, you will undoubtedly recognize why Taunya Craig is such a valuable contributor to my Ascend Mastermind work – she is an incredible lady who has experienced so much in her life, and is fully engaged to help others establish meaningful and positive relationships in their lives. And she has provided a special discount code for today’s listeners – so be sure to stick around until the end for that as well.

If you love what you hear from Taunya today - you’ll be thrilled to know that she is a guest coach for my Ascend Mastermind group. Don’t forget that I have reopened my Ascend Mastermind to a new cohort! If you’re tired of playing small in your life and work, and you’re ready to identify what you want and how to get there (in a healthy way) while in community with like-minded women, then this Mastermind is definitely for you. Schedule a call with me at or send an email at [email protected] with questions. Registration is closing in another week, so now is the time to make that call and see if it is right for you.


The Finer Details of This Episode:

-   Who Taunya is and how she got to where she is now

-   Self-discovery and valuing yourself

- Having true vulnerable connection in an emotionally safe relationship

- Taunya’s experience with bulimia

-   “Is this in the service of me?”

-   Understanding yourself and experiencing the feelings

-   Validation and sharing vulnerably

-   How to know when enough is enough in a relationship

-   Having a relationship with yourself

-   The ‘juicy part of life’

-   Taunya’s tattoo

-   Who Taunya is now



“One day I woke up and I realized that I didn’t know who I was.”

“I was living a shell, completely living this life, one of who I was supposed to be in everybody’s eyes.”

“Showing up with someone, heart to heart vulnerably, really f*n messy – that’s the essence of life.”

“If the relationship isn’t right for you, then, frick, you’ve got to get out.”

“Damn, girl, you go out and you taste every kind of ice cream in the ice cream store.”

“That’s the epicenter of any change – we need to take ourselves first…when we don’t say, ‘Yes’ to us, ultimately we’re betraying ourselves.”

“People really do want the best version of you.”

“You have to step into it 100% fully, do the work, and really pay attention to what you’re receiving back so you can evaluate.”

“Learn to acknowledge the emotions that are happening for you…speak to the here and now.”


Show Links:

Email Kelly

Taunya’s homepage

Taunya’s course   

Gottman relationship resources  

Discount code: SDS25