It seems like the entire world has been thrown a curveball in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. In these uncertain times, with many of you listeners working from home while simultaneously having to look after their kids, it’s important to give yourself a little grace as well as permission to feel your way through all of the emotions that you’re bound to feel. It’s okay to not feel okay. It’s certainly upended things for me as well, which meant that this week’s episode is a selection from the archives of She Doesn’t Settle’s predecessor, Healthy High Performer.

At the time, my son had spent most of the past two weeks sick, which made balancing work and life a trickier process than usual. If I’m being honest, it derailed quite a few of my plans and I had to work hard not to fall into a “victim mentality” where I dwell on everything that’s going wrong or interfering with my usual responsibilities. I find that it’s really helpful to have a mental contingency plan ready for when life throws you a curveball, so I’ve developed six strategies that will keep you on track and centered in these unexpected situations.

I’m still taking applications for the new cohort for my Ascend Mastermind! While I know things are uncertain out there, now is NOT the time to give up on yourself and your goals. While we are practicing social distancing, the risk of depression and a lack of motivation is very real. And while I recognize you are a successful and strong woman, even high achieving ladies like us can start to feel the impact of a lack of face-to-face time and community. Ascend will help you keep your health and wellbeing in check during this stressful time and support you to stay on track by simplifying your goals, giving you tools to manage your mind, and holding you accountable to keep going. Email me to learn more at [email protected].


The Finer Details of This Episode:

- When a crisis does rear its head, don’t dwell on the consequences that may happen weeks or months down the line; think about what you can do right here, right now instead.

- Focus on finding solutions instead of dwelling on the problem; you can’t prevent the damage once it’s already been done, so instead.

- Redefine what success means to you in this moment and look for opportunities to grow—for example, now you might have more time to connect with a family member or friend.

- When do you get sick, or become incapacitated, or find yourself saddled out with unexpected responsibilities, determine your three non-negotiables—i.e. things you have to get done, even if life gets in the way.

- In these unexpected and vulnerable moments, make a point of helping others; even if a little bit of generosity won’t make your problems go away, it’s rewarding to help others and act constructively.

- When in doubt, remember it’s okay to ask for support or even just somebody you can vent your problems too; if you would help others in your life when they’re low or desperate, they’ll return the favor.



“We have to have some simple systems in place to be able to navigate when life throws us that curveball. 

“I have to do the work to remind myself of all the things that are going well.”

“We forget that just by reaching out to one person, we make a tremendous impact.”


Show Links:

Join The Goal Getters Club Facebook group - 

Free workshop “5 Ways to Improve your Energy and Health”:

Kelly’s email:   [email protected]

Ascend Mastermind -