Toward the end of her career with the courts, Jodi Latuszek had achieved what she thought she “wanted”. She had a big title, a nice paycheck, and was working with the law. However, she was working so many hours that she wasn’t "present" with her family. She carried two phones and frequently took calls early in the morning and after hours--failing to set boundaries out of fear.


Her health and relationships suffered.


During COVID, like most, she was remote and her kids had a front row seat to everything related to her work and the culture. One day, her oldest daughter said, "you don't seem happy." And, according to Jodi, she was right.


From that moment, Jodi started looking for a fresh start where she could renew boundaries and focus on her passion for using the law to help people. That's how she found out about "purpose driven" companies.


She admits, the transition from working herself to the ground to having a healthier balance between work and life — was hard. She had allowed her previous role to be her identity and had to get to know herself all over again. Turns out-- she likes herself.


Tune in to hear about Jodi’s professional background as a lawyer, her transition into a new role and what it took to make that change.


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