Despite the toll sickness has taken on my household the last couple of weeks, I managed to pull through and run the marathon I’ve been talking about! Did I reach the goal I set for myself? Unfortunately not. But I did commit fully and cross the finish line in the end. You will hear me reflect at length on this run on next week’s episode, but for now, I’m dipping into the archives to revisit an older interview with a woman who’s had a massive impact on my life and the lives of many other women.

Roberta Vande Voort is a licensed marriage and family therapist who practises as part of Kayenta Therapy in Las Vegas. Roberta has worked in her own practice for 25 years and knows it’s important to have support outside of your circle of friends, somebody who can speak the truth. For this episode, Roberta explores female leadership and how women can encourage themselves and others to speak up and stand out. She challenges us to join her to be more intentional about creating more “ahhhh” in our days through the wonder we left behind as children so we can find more  joy and vigor in our adult years.

Just a reminder that I’m opening up membership for the She Doesn’t Settle Academy! If you love what this podcast offers and find you’re wanting more, this membership is the ultimate extension of the show. I’m opening up enrollment next week for only 48 hours, so if you want to take things to the next level be sure to sign up for the waitlist at so you can work with a community of badass women like yourself.

The Finer Details of This Episode:

- What drew Roberta to becoming a therapist and why she finds it to be a wonderful way to make a living.

- How she ended up creating a community of therapists across the Las Vegas area.

- Why she thinks social media has a disproportionate negative impact on people’s feelings.

- The dual pressures women have to work with on the job and at home.

- What you can do to broach difficult discussions at work while de-escalating potential conflict.

- Taking a serious look at what’s actually motivating you to do your current work and getting over the fear of pivoting to something you find more fulfilling.

- The shift Roberta is seeing with more women and girls taking a stand and questioning certain limits and rules.

- Looking at the underlying factors that influence our behavior and some of the techniques being developed to better treat them.

- What Roberta herself does to stay in a healthy, constructive mindset from day to day.

- Roberta discusses her formative experience on the island of Crete and what unique traits she believes make women strong leaders.

- Why women and men alike need more wonder and awe in there lives as they grow older.

- What about Roberta’s children and grandchildren brings her the greatest joy nowadays.

- WEEKLY CHALLENGE: ask yourself what you can do to bring more of those wondrous “ahhhhh” moments in your day.


“Therapists are like everybody else: they’re all nuts.”

“We’re trying to shift generations of mindset in order to have this sense of ‘we’re just people working together’.”

“Don’t let somebody else choose for you who you are.”

“We all have so much to offer. We just have to figure out what that is and what it looks like.”

“We’ve got so much to learn about how our brain works and how it works really very much like our body.”

“My ideas are just as good, they’re just as valuable, they may be a little bit different because I am female, but they’re amazing.”

Guest Links:

Kayenta Therapy -

Roberta’s therapist profile -

Show Links:

Kevin Hart’s marathon experience - 

She Doesn’t Settle Academy waitlist -

Ascend Mastermind -