You have one life: what do you want out of it? Mediocrity and comfort or excellence and fulfillment? Perhaps you’re contemplating taking that big leap in your business or career, or daydreaming about the time when you finally make your health and wellness a priority, or maybe you’re aching to finally ask for what you want (which is MORE). You’ve probably thought about this quite a bit, and then come up reasons why it isn’t worth the effort.That damn brain has good intentions, but leans a little too much on the side of caution. That’s why it’s important for you to identify the beliefs that are keeping you stuck and take the risks they’re preventing you from pursuing.

In this episode, I discuss the time I settled for much less than what I was worth (and what I learned from that experience), and counter the five irrational—and subconscious—beliefs that keep us from reaching our full potential.

And as mentioned last week, I’m opening up membership for the She Doesn’t Settle Academy! If you love what this podcast offers and find you’re wanting more, this membership is the ultimate extension of the show. Take things to the next level by signing up, working with a community of badass women like yourself, and doubling down on what you’ve already started. PLUS, if you sign up for the waitlist at before this week is over, not only will you pay a reduced fee, but you and other early sign-ups will get first notice of open enrollment!

The Finer Details of This Episode:

- Limiting belief #1: the internalized “victim mentality” that you are unable to change in a significant way.

- Limiting belief #2: things “could be worse,” so you should appreciate what you have and not rock the boat.

- Limiting belief #3: the fear of disappointing a certain someone in your life who you look up to, be they friend or family.

- Limiting belief #4: it has to be the “right time” to make your big change.

- Limiting belief #5: that you’re not “enough”—good enough, smart enough, experienced enough—to go through with your big undertaking.


“The brain consistently works to keep us comfortable.”

“Even if you fail at making a change in your life, you are fully capable of landing on your feet.”

“You can appreciate what you have and still want a hell of a lot more.”

“If you are making decisions solely based on how it’s going to impact someone else, nothing’s gonna change.”

“You are never going to change if you wait until everything is perfect.”

Show Links:

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