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SFNaim - The nth Guides

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Recap of 2017 & Thanks for All The Fish

December 22, 2017 16:00

Welcome to the last Smart Business Show episode of 2017. Thanks for all the fish. I’ll be taking at least two weeks off so no podcast next week and no podcast in the first week of January. During that time I’ll be doing a few things. hanging out with my kids and wife spending an […]

Is your Mind Fertile Soil?

December 15, 2017 16:00

We’re getting closer to the end of the year, what are the things you struggled with this year? What is your plan for 2018 to fill those gaps? In this show we’ll talk about: The best books of 2016 I just released A quote from a friend’s new book The Success Grower The question about […]

How do I score my 12 week year?

December 08, 2017 16:00

How do I score my 12 week year? That is the question from Youtube. This is one place I’m still a bit rocky on. I don’t do a bunch of scoring and really need to dig back into the book to figure out how to score properly. Here are the 4 questions I ask myself […]

Stop Making Things Easier

December 01, 2017 16:00

Don’t just jump to the easy tool or the easy option. Sometimes, oftentimes adding friction to a process can improve it. With friction in place you’re forced to evaluate if the job is worth doing at all. Without friction it’s easy to push tasks off to ‘future you’ and never evaluate them until your lists […]

Which tasks will you Decide to Suck at This Week?

November 24, 2017 16:00

My secret project is done now because I decided to suck at a bunch of tasks this week until the big one was done. It was easy to decide what to do when I answered this ONE question: “What is the one task this week I can do that will make everything else easy or […]

Brent Hammond on Managing Your Energy

November 17, 2017 16:00

Today I had the great pleasure of talking to Brent Hammond. I went to one of Brent’s courses in Vancouver a few years ago and when I was thinking of someone that I wanted to talk to about work life and rest, he was on the top of my list. Today Brent and I talk […]

Week 5 Update and the importance of rest

November 11, 2017 00:06

We’re in week Five of my final 12 week year and the pace I’ve been running at just shows me that, rest is so important. The first four weeks I got so much more done, but I’m already feeling how hard it is to keep running at a pace that I knew was not sustainable […]

Recappingthe 4th week of my 12 week year

November 03, 2017 15:00

Recapping the 4th week of my last 12 Week Year. kids were sick again so I had to change focus bootcamp is on track fine I’ll need to use my blank 6th week to make up some of the product work that hasn’t happened yet The 8 Week Business BootCamp

Despite a Hard Week for Focus, We’re doing good

October 27, 2017 15:00

Today is the third week of my 12 Week Year, and it was a tough one. Most of Wednesday was gone with my wife working and me watching kids. This won’t be normal, since she won’t always be teaching figure skating all day. Other than that, we’re on track. How is your 12 Week Year […]

Recapping Week 2 of my last 12 Week Year

October 24, 2017 02:38

In this episode 139, I give you a quick recap of week two of my last 12 week year of 2017. In short, it was productive and we’re on track to release everything as needed.

Join me for 12 weeks of Accountability

October 13, 2017 18:00

We’re doing something a bit different on the podcast for most of the next 12 weeks. I’ve got a number of products to launch and you’re going to join me for 12 weeks to see how it goes and how far we get. Join me with your own 12 weeks of goals.

What Path Are You Building For Yourself

October 13, 2017 15:00

There is a great book called Switch that I just finished reading. It uses the metaphor of an Elephant and a Rider to talk about change. The rider can only control the elephant for so long. At some point the elephant can just go where it wants to and the rider is along for the […]

What you DO matters, not what you INTEND to do

October 06, 2017 15:00

You may say to yourself “I could have built Facebook” or whatever. There are no new ideas under the sun. You may say “I’m going to be a great husband”. That’s a great sentiment, but if you don’t actually do anything about it, then the sentiment doesn’t matter at all. You need to go listen […]

It’s hard right now, so I’m doing one thing

September 29, 2017 15:00

I’ve said it before when things are hard work the plan, but that doesn’t make it easy when things are hard. Right now, things are hard for me and with it being hard I’m still working the plan. In fact I’m doing less and focusing on the one thing that will make everything else obsolete. […]

Gavin from Acuity Scheduling on the Benefits of Constraints and 6 Hour days

September 22, 2017 15:00

Today we talk to Gavin from Acuity Scheduling. I first heard him on Hack the Process and the most interesting parts for me was when he talked about support doing 6 hour work days, split into 2 different chunks. Today we dive into: What it was like to work full-time and run Acuity on the […]

No More Rescues

September 15, 2017 15:00

…when the Rescuer intervenes, he can create a vexing and all too pervasive performance disconnect, by depriving people of the feedback that comes from the natural consequences of mistakes. While the manager sees failure and a gap they have to step in and close, employees often see success. – Multipliers This isn’t just for managers. […]

Are you leaving poop in your wake?

September 08, 2017 15:00

What level of service do you provide? Is it amazing or is it adequate or is it terrible? Over the last two years, we’ve hired two different house/dog sitters. Our first was good. The dog was alive and tired out and the house was clean. The second was…barely adequate. Two weeks later we’re still trying […]

Kids are the worst clients

September 01, 2017 15:00

While talking with a friend recently (HI TimTim), I came across the idea that kids are the worst client. If you’re running a business and your spouse/partner is watching the kids, they spend most of their day dealing with the worst clients. They complain about putting on their shoes. They fight about getting out the […]

Sovann Pen on integrating your big entrepreneurial ideas and family

August 25, 2017 15:00

Today I get to talk to Sovann Pen. Sovann is a Counsellor based in Portland Oregon. In this episode we talk about: How his private practice didn’t work out Taking your spouses concerns into account with your entrepreneurial ideas How family/parenting impacts your work You can find the links to the resources we talked about […]

There is no such thing as a high paying client

August 18, 2017 15:00

The Pro coach knows there is no such thing as a high-paying client. Your fees are just a filter for the clients you’d love to coach. – The Prosperous Coach I know that most of you aren’t coaches so you might initially discount the quote above. You’d be stupid though. If you’re tired of working […]

Want Succes – Build A Routine

August 11, 2017 15:00

Routine is crucial and for most people that are struggling with getting work done the fact is that they don’t have it. They start their day in some random way that just happened to them after a few years in the business. Unfortunately for almost everyone, it starts with email. A scattered place where you […]

Don’t let little things derail you

August 04, 2017 15:00

What do you let break your focus? How much does that thing really matter in the grand scheme of things? Today I’m going to talk about a few weeks ago running where I let something with my watch affect my mindset. It almost stopped me cold in my tracks, and it really was nothing.

Why I went out of touch for 2 weeks

July 28, 2017 15:00

Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, I was on vacation. You got no emails from me for almost 2 whole weeks. Well, you got two actually. One today and one last Friday for things I already had done. While I was gone, I wrote no emails. I didn’t sit down and write a blog […]

There is no such thing as Trucker’s Block

July 21, 2017 15:00

There is no such thing as trucker’s block is there? Yet we persist in saying that as creatives we have ‘creative block’. A trucker gets up and does her work every day. Block’s don’t come into it. Today I’m going to talk a bit more about why there is no such thing as a creative […]

Higher Paying Clients does NOT Mean More Profit

July 14, 2017 15:00

One of the fine people on my email list recently got in touch with me to ask about their niche. They’re tired of seeing websites with no clear benefit to the business that paid good money for them and that’s where they want to specialise. Redoing sites so they actually provide a return on investment. […]

Your Word is all You Have

July 07, 2017 15:00

While listening to Game of Thrones I got to thinking about your word. Not the words you use, and at the same time all about the words you use. All you have is your word. It’s your reputation. When you tell a client you’ll finish a project, you need to finish it. If you can’t […]

If you want your message to come across, practice

June 30, 2017 15:00

You can’t just show up and ‘wing it’, not if you want your message to land. Today I’m going to talk about practising before you talk to your prospects so that you can turn them into clients.

Kim Doyal talks about how your business brings you space

June 23, 2017 15:00

Kim and I talk about how after the death of her husband, she found a business that brought her the space needed to be a single parent. You can find Kim at The WP Chick. Links Obstacle is the Way Ryan Holiday Danielle Laporte Pivot 48 Days to the Work You Love

Do you have a secret life like Walter Mitty?

June 16, 2017 15:00

There is a great movie called The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It has dreams that weren’t met and adventure. It’s a great analogy for where many business owners are. They dreamed of an amazing business, but then life started happening and they’ve been carried along to something that’s good. Good is…okay, but that’s not […]

How do you 2x your results in half the time?

June 09, 2017 15:00

How do you get 2 times the results in half the effort? – Profit First Today I talk about this thought experiment found in Profit First. Spending time on these thoughts can help you transform your business because they require huge changes in how you run your business. Are you ready to make huge changes?

Every day of work can’t be a good day

June 02, 2017 15:00

We like to dream that every day running a business can be a good day, but it can’t. Today I go a bit deeper in to how some of the days have been going for me lately. They haven’t been the days I had hoped when I started a business.

Are you listening, or waiting to speak?

May 26, 2017 15:00

I’ve come back to this topic a few times…are you listening or are you waiting for your turn to speak? Today I talk about what listening sounds like (hint you don’t talk) and give you a few resources to improve your listening skills Links Read to Lead Episode #170 My series on effective questioning

What is your business in service of?

May 19, 2017 15:00

It started as a bit of a throw away comment on a run as I saw the mountains. I don’t run the roads or do hill repeats just to be a faster runner. I don’t do it to ‘win’ the ultramarathon I’ve got on the calendar. I do it so I can move fast in […]

How Brent Weaver uses a 35 hour a week constraint to grow his business

May 12, 2017 15:00

Today we talk to Brent Weaver from ugurus.com about how he runs a business. We talk about his 35 hour rule and how that shows itself in his business and how he uses the constraint of 35 hours to help grow the capacity of his business. The show ends with some banter at the beginning […]

Are you profitable? Are you paying yourself market rates?

May 05, 2017 15:00

Despite having the best year financially in my business last year, it felt like the hardest. Today I’m going to talk about some of the changes I’m making in 2017 to make my business way more profitable. Hear the Digital Agency Show where they talk about paying yourself market rates and how profitable you are.

Don’t fool yourself, it’s a long hard road to a successful business

April 28, 2017 15:00

Don’t fool yourself in to thinking that you can start a business with anything but a lot of work. It’s a long hard road to start a business and keep it successful. Today I talk about that work in the context of running and the years it takes to really hit your peak.

Sometimes there are consequences when you choose family instead of work

April 21, 2017 15:00

If you’re winning at business and ruining your family, kids, spouse, partner, or relationships you’re still failing. Today I’m talking about a real life example where I picked my family and our house rules. Someone was mad at me and called me a bunch of not so nice names. They said they looked forward to […]

Can you do your job?

April 14, 2017 15:00

Today we’re going to talk about what you really mean when you tell a client “That can’t be done”. Far to many business owners aren’t really saying that the task can’t be done. They’re saying something else entirely.

Why you may not want to say sorry

April 07, 2017 15:00

Many times saying sorry is more about you feeling better than actually resolving things with your clients. Today I’ll talk about what I think you should be doing.

How family and business work together

March 31, 2017 15:00

Don’t fool yourself, your work and your family are not separate. They’re especially not separate if you run your own business. Today my wife and I talk about how we work out running a business together.

Should you just start a business out of school?

March 24, 2017 15:00

So you’re just about finished and ready to head in to the big world of work. Should you dive right in and start a business?

Why productive people embrace constraints

March 17, 2017 15:00

The biggest problem with digital tools is their lack of constraints. If you use OmniFocus you can put 10,000 things in your inbox. It gets to a point where you never look because you know there is so much there you never want to see. Today I’m going to talk about how I embrace paper […]

Is Your Warranty Actually Worth Anything

March 10, 2017 16:00

There is a roofing company in Chilliwack that says they have a warranty. They use lots of fluffy language to talk about how awesome their warranty is, but the truth is, they have no warranty. See every time there is any problem with your roof, they take months to come see it and there is […]

Your Site Is Pretty And Thats About It

March 03, 2017 16:00

If you’re site says things like: Premium WordPress Consulting or A Genuinely Nice and Totally Awesome Agency or Business focesed WordPress Development You say absolutely nothing. I mean who’s ever going to say the opposite like “We’re not nice and we’re a terrible agency”? That’s right no one. Today we’re going to talk about what […]

Talking sales and cold emails with Liston Witherill

February 24, 2017 16:00

Today we talk to Liston Witherill about sales. One thing that stood out to me as a lead strategy that I’ve never really done is how to find and warm up cold leads. I’d love to hear if you try it. Links Positioning your Business with Philip Morgan Clearbit.com prospect.io Bluetick meetup.com Streak CRM Pipedrive […]

4 Questions you need to ask yourself to build your business foundation

February 17, 2017 16:00

If you want to really dig down and lay the foundation to market yourself properly you need to ask yourself some questions. What are the urgent needs of my clients? What are the 5 compelling desires my clients have? What are the biggest results I provide? What are the deep rooted benefits my client experience? […]

Career transitions with Carrie Dils

February 10, 2017 16:00

Today Carrie and I talked a bunch about her career transitions. She moved from running her business in to working for Crowd Favorite back to running her own business and then mainly out of client work all with one goal in mind. Along the way she tells us the one mistake she wishes she could […]

Moving to retainers with Mario Peshev

February 03, 2017 16:00

Mario and I talk about how he moved his company DevriX to retainers from one off work. The hurdles he hit in selling it and the benefits of retainers for clients. Links WordPress Retainers and the Future of Recurring Revenue WordPress Development Retainers Digital Growth @no_fear_inc DevriX

Matt Medeiros on Marketing and the WordPress industry ‘dip’

January 27, 2017 16:00

Had a great conversation with Matt Medeiros. We talked about what it was like to move from small clients to larger clients and then maybe to a spot that he doesn’t want to be with even larger clients. Matt also talks about the ‘dip’ he sees in the WordPress world and what you may do […]

How to follow up with prospects with Donald Kelly

January 20, 2017 16:00

You can’t just leave prospects out in the cold. You need to have a great follow up process for them. Today Donald Kelly and I talk about what a good follow up process looks like. Donalds show on follow up

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@rezzz 1 Episode
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