This week's guest is Shulamit Ber Levtov, the Entrepreneurs' Therapist and co-founder of the Business Therapy Centre. In an era of relentless stressors that can make you lose your sh*t on the daily, Shulamit works with women business owners to care for their mental and emotional wellbeing.

That sense of care really came through during our time together. This truly was an "alive" conversation, full of new awareness of ourselves and the world. Tune in to hear us explore ideas like:

Falling back into the arms of what is... even when it's easier to be busy than to get quiet Navigating the tension between our life forward impulse and the arbitrary deadlines we impose on that impulse Honoring transparency and context in close relationships — and in leadership

"I wish for the world a wave of folks who are self-connected in the best way possible. In a way that serves life in them and others, as opposed to a bunch of people in power. We have the belief that if we just get the right people in power, things will be fine, but power is the issue. That model of power is what's creating the problem, not the people in it. I'm just wishing for a wave of a different way."

Shulamit, I can't thank you enough for our deep and thoughtful conversation — because chats like these are why I started this podcast in the first place! For anyone out there listening who wants to know more about Shulamit and her work in the world, I encourage you to check out:

As always, I'd love to hear from you, too. You can get in touch via my website,, or check out my full list of services here: 

If social media is more your jam, here’s where to find me: 

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See you next week!