No matter what type of coaching you do, we all know that coaching is meant to empower people. And that's an awesome goal! But considering that so many of us are trauma survivors ourselves, it can get... complicated.

As trauma survivors, when we meet with our clients, we might feel the impulse to save, fix, or rescue people because we are aware of their distress.

Here's the thing: your client is the only person who knows what is best for them. Full stop. And it is up to them to take what you facilitate, sort through that information, and make decisions about it.

This is an important part of the READY curriculum, and it's something I face often in my coaching work. I'm happy to tell clients what I've done in my own personal development journey, and to share (with discretion) things that my other clients have done in similar situations.

But what I won't do is tell them what to do because that is disempowering. Decisions like that need to come from within.

So on today's episode, let's dig a little deeper into the empowering practice of pointing people back to themselves.

I'm so happy that you're here with me. As always, I would absolutely love to hear from you. If you have questions, or a topic you'd like me to cover, or anything else, don't be shy! Just shoot me an email at [email protected].

Feel like you might be ready for READY? Good news: getting started is as easy as 1-2-3!

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