I've talked before about the difference between trauma sensitive vs trauma informed — check out episode 3 of season 7 for the most recent episode on the subject. But what I want to talk about today might... ruffle some feathers.

Okay, it might straight up make some people upset. But this is something I really need to put out there, so here goes.

Being a trauma survivor does not automatically make you a trauma-sensitive coach.

Education does. Training, skill development, and implementation of those skills and that education — those are the things that make someone trauma sensitive.

Does trauma survivorship bring a better understanding, a different lens, and an ability to relate? Of course. But that is not enough to claim trauma sensitivity.

So if you're still with me (and I hope you are), let's talk about why — and for full transparency, I'm going to use myself as an example.

How did this episode land for you? I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts, so don't be shy! Just shoot me an email at [email protected].

Want to take the next step towards a trauma sensitive approach? Sounds like you're ready for READY! Here's where to start:

Step 1 - Review Information on Website: https://www.lisakuzman.com Step 2 - Complete the Application form: https://forms.gle/QD93D33cMvYycyGK8  Step 3 - Book a call: https://lisakuzman.as.me/grief-trauma-loss-interest-call